Gorilla Breath

Gorilla Breath

64 votes

Gorilla Breath details

  • Type Hybrid


  • Diesel
  • Earthy
  • Pungent

About Gorilla Breath

Gorilla Breath cannabis strain by ThugPug Genetics is an Indica dominant hybrid. It hails from California and isn't recommended for those with low tolerance. This strain is highly potent and pungent, so it's not the best for those hoping to be healthy. It can treat insomnia and pain. Ideal for daytime or evening usage.

Gorilla Breath cannabis strain's high is soothingly sedative - it will infuse your night with bliss and leave you reaching for the fridge yet distracted.

Gorilla Breath Effects

  • Happy
  • Relaxed
  • Sleepy
  • Tingly
  • Uplifted

Gorilla Breath Medical

  • Depression
  • Lack of appetite
  • Muscle spasms
  • Nausea
  • Pain