ACHING for 24 minutes of extra sleep? 👅
Microdosing LSD is also associated with improved mood, reduced anxiety and depression, enhanced creativity and productivity, and more.
🌿 Thanks to @NORML members' advocacy, activism, and support, dozens of new marijuana laws took effect around the country this month. #legalizeit #cannabisnews
A sweet Strain of Summer: #StrawberryCough 🍓 🍓 The skunky, berry flavors will capture your senses while the cerebral, uplifting effects provide an aura of euphoria that is sure to leave a smile on your face:
U.S. Can Learn From Portugal's 'Pioneering' Drug Decriminalization Law, Former Top White House Drug Official Says: "It is time we take decisive steps toward a more compassionate and public health-centered approach to drug policy."
Former White House Office of National Drug Control Policy Acting Director Regina LaBelle says the U.S. has a lot to learn from Portugal's "pioneering" drug decriminalization law, arguing it "yielded positive results" and "save[d] lives."
UPDATED: Senior GOP Senate aide tells Marijuana Moment that a Dem senator's push to amend Section 10 of the SAFE Banking Act is "main issue" holding it up—not anything having to do with potential social justice additions.
"Gutting the section is a non-starter for Republicans."
Senate Banking Committee Chairman Sherrod Brown and lead GOP marijuana banking bill sponsor Sen. Steve Daines seem to disagree on what must happen before a committee vote can be held to send #SAFEBanking to the floor...and time's running out before recess.
I had some good calls on Sunday, telling everyone at Seeking Alpha to avoid $CURLF and telling everyone at New Cannabis Ventures how cheap $OGI is.
At Semicon West for the next two days, kicking off the chips beat here at Reuters. Ping me (dms open, cell in bio) if you want to connect! #semiconwest
In the past 24 hours I've been accused of both having partisan blinders on for Democrats and being MAGA
People are so enmeshed in their partisan hackery that when you call out members of their party for bullshit they automatically think you are part of that one other team
Summertime smoke! 🍉 Watermelon Zkittlez.
🌳: @HazeDispensary
🧬: Watermelon Zum Zum #3 x OG Eddy by Dying Breed
📸: #JustinCannabis
“The war on drugs has failed.” - drugs minister Elena Whitham
The Scottish government has unveiled a plan to decriminalize possession of personal quantities of drugs, a proposal that the U.K. does NOT like.
Top GOP North Carolina Lawmaker Signals Medical Marijuana Bill Is Likely Dead For The Year: "As long as there’s not a majority of the Republicans willing to vote for it, it won’t come up."
North Carolina's House speaker is all but declaring a Senate-passed medical cannabis legalization bill dead for the year.
"As long as there’s not a majority of the Republicans willing to vote for it, it won’t come up."
Senate GOP Marijuana Banking Sponsor And Key Chairman At Odds Over Next Steps For SAFE Banking Bill: "The Committee is working towards a markup vote on the SAFE Banking Act."
Senate Banking Committee Chairman Sherrod Brown and lead GOP marijuana banking bill sponsor Sen. Steve Daines seem to disagree on what must happen before a committee vote can be held to send #SAFEBanking to the floor...and time's running out before recess.
These numbers (prepared by the state) are on the low side imho. Nice way to offset property tax increases…
Germany continues to inch closer to a new era of cannabis legalization. A draft bill shows us what that may look like.
Bipartisan Lawmakers Push For Marijuana And Psychedelics Amendments To Defense Bill, But Committee Action Is Delayed: “We have seen cannabis policy at the federal level awry for a long time."
Several members of Congress testified before the House Rules Committee about their marijuana, psychedelics and drug policy amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act—but decisions on getting floor votes are delayed amid unrelated controversy.
Black and brown people are 4x more likely@to@be arrested for marijuana possession. Help end racist policing practices. Join NORML and help us legalize marijuana.
#NORML #blacklivesmatter #legalizemarijuana
WEEKEND READ: Founder Keith Stroup reflects on the early years of NORML and the support from @HighTimes magazine's Tom Forcade and Michael J. Kennedy. "Little did I know that he would in a few years become a regular funder, sometimes personally and sometimes via his magazine. And, of course, High Times, the pro-pot magazine he founded in 1974, consistently covered NORML’s work and celebrated our accomplishments both editorially and in their news coverage for many decades. It is fair to say that during the 1970s, most Americans who knew about NORML had read about our work in either @Playboy or High Times magazine." Tap link in bio to read now on the NORML Blog!
#NORML #HighTimes #TomForcade #RevTomForcade #MichaelJKennedy #Playboy #yippies #zippies #marijuana #cannabis #marijuanamovement #cannabisculture #cannabiscommunity #AFounderLooksat50 #KeithStroup #PeoplesPotParty #activism #advocacy #legalizeit #legalizemarijuana #weekendread
While the legal #cannabisindustry in America thrives, an estimated 40,000 people are in jail for nonviolent cannabis convictions.
The founders of @cannacraftbrands, Ned Fussell and Dennis Hunter, are on a mission to change this. Their newest brand, @farmerandthefelon, seeks to right the historic injustices of #cannabis prohibition by supporting @lastprisonerproject.
“Felon has such a negative connotation to it. By launching this brand, I think it could really bring us a different narrative and different paradigm,” says Fussell.
Read the full article by @lindse_y at the link in our bio or by visiting
#prohibition #equity #justice #philanthropy #philanthropist #farmers #farmerandfelon #cannabisbrands #branding #farmerandthefelon #entrepreneur #lastprisonerproject
Hot16 Mopsa już na jego kanale YouTube, sprawdzajcie to‼️🤩🔥
#hot16challenge2 #hot16challenge #hot16 #mops #cannabisnews #cannabisnewspl #weedweek #djpete #wolnekonopie #420 #freetheweed #weedstagram #weedstagram420
Great cautionary tale in Politico about MedMen. Highly recommend any entrepreneur in the green space read it to learn about the trappings of success.
Dziś miał mieć miejsce MWK2020🥳
Niestety wszystkie plany pokrzyżował pewien nietoperz z Wuhan🤮
Przypominamy relacje sprzed roku! #mwk #marszwyzwoleniakonopi #wolnekonopie #weedweek @wolne_konopie
12 of the most popular strains on Weedmaps
When it comes to cannabis, “what's the best weed?” is one of the most asked questions of all time. Truth is there is no answer because weed is such an individualistic experience. #cannabis #Cannabisnews #cannabisnewsworld #cannabisstrains #CANNABISUSA #indica #MARIJUANA #news #us #weed
A day in the life of a professional joint roller.
Meet Kristen Kyle Ginn, High Priestess/Senior Witch/Senior Designer (her official title), of the high-end headshop @edieparkerflower. Ginn worked in the fashion industry for ten years before moving into the #cannabisindustry.
“My job is something different every day,” says Ginn.
But what exactly does it take to work as a professional joint roller? Read the full article at the link in our bio or at
#cannabiz #greenentrepreneur #goals #bosses #dreamgig #entrepreneur #cannabiscommunity #edieparker #flower #flowerbyedieparker
States still searching for the best path forward in balancing economic and health concerns amid the continuing coronavirus outbreak also face another challenge once businesses reopen: recovering billions lost in state tax revenue, as well as millions of lost jobs.
In the long term, marijuana legalization might provide an answer.
Read the full article at the link in our bio or by visiting
#taxrevenue #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #mjbiz #entrepreneurmindset #entrepreneurs #cannabiscommunity #cannabisindustry #innovation #legalization #cannabisnews
Zioło w paczce chipsów❓😅
#420 #cannabisnews #cannabisnewspl #konopie #marihuana #palenie #zioło #ganja
@hightimesmagazine continues shady path with new 1-U filing at U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
#cannabisnews #hightimes #sec #lacannabisnews
📚 WEEKEND READ: NORML founder Keith Stroup reflects on his extraordinary 33-year friendship with legendary author and NORML ally Hunter S. Thompson.
Tap link in bio to read now on the NORML Blog!
#NORML #HunterSThompson #Gonzo #OwlFarm #Aspen #fearandloathing #rxgonzo #gonzojournalism #PitkinCounty #KeithStroup #marijuana #cannabis #marijuanamovement #cannabiscommunity #cannabisculture #hightimes #weed #legalizeit #legalizemarijuana #legalize #420 #herb #maryjane #weekendread
Suspicionless marijuana testing in the workplace is a holdover from the zeitgeist of the 1980s war on drugs. But times have changed; attitudes have changed, and in many places, the marijuana laws have changed. It is time for workplace policies to adapt to this new reality.
Tap link in bio to read the full story on the NORML Blog!
#NORML #marijuana #cannabis #thc #cbd #marijuanamovement #cannabiscommunity #cannabisculture #medicalcannabis #medicalmarijuana #mmj #weed #cannabisnews #marijuananews #drugtesting #workplacesafety #VirginiaNORML #RocNORML #NYCNORML #NevadaNORML
There’s no time like the present. Link in bio 👈🏼
NORML is deeply saddened by the sudden passing of longtime political activist Mikel Weisser, who served as State Director of @ArizonaNORML. A great activist, political maverick, and wonderful human being, Mikel contributed to the betterment of the lives of those not just in his state, but across the country. We'll miss our lively discussions at the NORML conferences and the positivity and passion he brought to his work. Rest in power, Mikel. Tap link in bio to read more about Mikel and his incredible work.
Please comment and share your fondest memories of Mikel.
#NORML #ArizonaNORML #MikelWeisser #activism #restinpower #marijuanamovement #cannabiscommunity #cannabisculture #marijuana #cannabis #medicalcannabis #medicalmarijuana #mmj #restinpeace
Can you name a place that has better ganja than LA?
In tomorrow's episode, Chip Baker talks to L.A. Cannabis News' Brian Weiss about the rapid growth and spread of cannabis Cultivation in California, the rise of legal cannabis in California, and we talk about Brian's personal venture @lacannabisnews!
Click the link in @therealdirtpodcast bio to get caught up on the most recent episodes and Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and YouTube!
#cannabisindustry #grower #growers #cannabusiness #cannabiz #ganjapreneur #cannabisindustry #cannabisgrowers #cannabiscommunity #cannabiseducation #cannabisculture #cannabislife #cannabisseeds #cannabislove #Cannabispodcast #cannabisdestiny #cannabislifestyle #cannabispics #cannabisgrower #cannabiscomunity #therealdirt #therealdirtpodcast #californiagrown #californiacannabis #lacannabisnews
"If you’re into the history of @Playboy, you may be familiar with NORML, or the National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws, and its militant fight for legalization across the country. But the organization, funded early by Hugh Hefner, is about so much more than the lawful right to toke up.⠀
While NORML works on everything from protecting civil liberties to advancing social justice, its main focus, according to the executive director, is to 'empower everyday citizens to engage in the political process and change the laws in their own community. We provide a lot of tools—not just to educate yourself, but tools so you can easily contact your state and local officials through email and through phone to advocate for these policy changes and specific legislation.'"⠀
Tap link in bio to read more!⠀
#NORML #marijuana #cannabis #thc #cbd #marijuanamovement #cannabiscommunity #cannabisculture #playboy #hughhefner #hightimes #420 #710 #weed #highlife #legalize #legalizeit #legalizemarijuana #maryjane #weedstagram #highsociety #kush #dank #stoner #stonernation #topshelflife #weedporn #instaweed #medicalmarijuana #mmj
Women have not held back from taking their rightful place at the top of the #cannabisindustry. In fact, nearly double the amount of senior positions belong to women in this industry compared to the national average.
There is so much power on this list.
The 35 most influential women range from healers to extraction scientists; PhDs to PR specialists; influencers to icons; law experts to investment gurus. While there are well beyond 35 women in the industry worthy of praise—veritably hundreds—we chose this distilled group of women because they represent both the CEOs and the unsung heroes. Many operate with massive influence behind-the-scenes, while others are becoming industry household names.
Go to or visit the link in our bio to see the complete list of 35 of the most influential women in cannabis today.
#entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurs #cannabis #womenempowerment #womeninbusiness #ceos #bosses #inspiration #businessowner
Thank you Baker's Cannabis.
Canndescent, California’s #1-selling luxury flower brand, recently launched Baker's Cannabis Co. to deliver low cost, high-quality products that appreciate a consumer’s cannabis routine.
Available now throughout the state of California, Baker’s line features a 1-gram pre-roll and a ½ oz pre-ground pouch, complete with 40 rolling papers and crutches.
@canndescent @bakerscannabis
#canndescent #shake #flower #bakerscannabis #lacannabisnews #flower #rollingpapers #cannabis #tasty #caligreens #bakers #california #quarantinelife
Two types of #entrepreneurs emerge during a crisis: Those who panic, kicking into survival mode thinking the only solution is to wait out the storm and hope everything works out at the end. And those who are true change-makers, recognizing opportunity in a time of crisis and springing into action.
What kind of entrepreneur do you want to be?
Read the full article by Max Simon by clicking the link in our bio.
#greenentrepreneur #entrepreneur #industrylife #cannabisindustry #cannabiz #advice #tips #entrepreneurlife #nowsthetime #newcareer