This strain is an even blend of sativa and indica (50:50 sativa/indica ratio).
It's a great medical strain high in CBD, a chemical used to treat severe seizures and other conditions. But it's very low in THC 7–15% at most – so Cannatonic isn't a good bet for getting high, despite its name. The high, such as it is, is relaxed and uplifting with both mental and physical qualities.
Cannatonic has an earthy smell, with a woody citrus flavor. It's most popular in the Pacific Northwest, California, and Michigan. This strain is best for treating epilepsy and pain, as it provides a deep feeling of relaxation with uplifting cerebral effects. Cannatonic is a hybrid blend of MK Ultra, an indica, and the legendary G-13 Haze, an indica-dominant hybrid.
The strain was bred to produce a greater ratio of sativa to indica, and that helps keep the head high clear. Possible side effects include dry mouth, while anxiety and paranoia are less likely.