The market for marijuana is one of the fastest-growing industries in the USA.

Posted 4 years ago

2019 is an important year for cannabis reform in the United States. Couple Democratic candidates have made cannabis part of their campaign platforms 2020. According to different studies the United States can dominate in terms of annual weed sales in the next few years.

I think the Cannabis market will explode in 2020, so long a banking bill passes. A lot of investors are weary in this market because the banks still hold them up. We will be hearing what Congress has to say at the end of the month about the progression of the banking bill that is on the Congress floor. Without the banking aspect, it won't be as booming as people are projecting it.

That being said, I don't see why Congress and the Senate won't pass this bill. Democrats are all for it, and Mitch McConnell should be as well since he wants proliferation of hemp production in his state.

For the election, cannabis is going to be a major talking point if the right candidates get chosen. I feel that any candidate right now that doesn't have a strong cannabis platform is going to deeply hurt them further down the line, as studies have shown that the millennial age group is more apt to vote for you if you have a strong pro-cannabis platform.

I think the Cannabis market will explode in 2020, so long a banking bill passes. A lot of investors are weary in this market because the banks still hold them up. We will be hearing what Congress has to say at the end of the month about the progression of the banking bill that is on the Congress floor. Without the banking aspect, it won't be as booming as people are projecting it.

That being said, I don't see why Congress and the Senate won't pass this bill. Democrats are all for it, and Mitch McConnell should be as well since he wants proliferation of hemp production in his state.

For the election, cannabis is going to be a major talking point if the right candidates get chosen. I feel that any candidate right now that doesn't have a strong cannabis platform is going to deeply hurt them further down the line, as studies have shown that the millennial age group is more apt to vote for you if you have a strong pro-cannabis platform.

On a federal level for cannabis reform, it all depends on who gets the majority of each branch after this election cycle. But, either way I don't see the federal government passing a bill to allow adult use cannabis on a nationwide scale. I think that they'll first take cannabis off the CSA, decriminalize and expunge certain records of nonviolent action, and put an emphasis on research. I think in the bill they will leave it up to the states to decide whether they choose to have adult use or not since there are so many states that are doing their own thing already. They've dragged their feet way too long to be able to control this and have a standard nationally.

As we head into 2020, the successes of established medical and/or adult consumption markets will draw in more of the states still under prohibition. We will likely see some states take Illinois’ approach - in 2019, Illinois became the first state in the country to legalize cannabis through the state government rather than a citizen-held ballot initiative.

As we get closer to federal legalization, you’ll see an acceleration by entities to consolidate well-established state-level brands in order to create a nation-wide footprint.

Vaping, one of, if not, the fastest growing market segments of the past few years, has seen some seriously damaging press over the past several months . With illness and deaths possibly being attributed to these products, we have already seen some pull-back in this category and may likely see a continued decline in cartridge sales. It’s important that the industry - across all markets - unite around this subject, decide the proper courses of action, and move forward to recover the lost ground.   

One category likely to break out in 2020 is THC and THCA additive or ingredient products.These often come in odorless, tasteless powder form and can be added to pretty much any food or beverage giving consumers the option to enhance nearly any of their favorite mainstream consumables.   

Ancillary products, services, and technologies that support cultivation, production and retail will continue to be attractive to investors as the markets mature. These types of companies - lighting, nutrients, business software, packaging, etc. - offer investors outside of cannabis, safe, yet lucrative entry into the space. Further ancillary companies typically aren’t burdened with the banking and legal challenges that can plague producers and retailers.