CannaTrade 2019 – 17th to 19th of May, 2019

Posted 5 years ago

Cannabis is on the rise worldwide – also Switzerland and the CannaTrade are getting into the act up front. The hemp fair CannaTrade provides for an entire spectrum of information on cannabis, CBD, growing, smoking culture, medicine, food stuff, beauty care, building materials, art and culture. One Highlight in 2019 is certainly the Swiss Championship in Joint Rolling, which will take place for the first time. Meanwhile, the CannaTrade is not only an insider meeting point but also an important player in the international business of cannabis: In cooperation with the US-company International Conferences Group hundreds of hemp related companies will join the International Cannabis Business Conference in Zurich, the day before the official opening of CannaTrade 2019.

The international Swiss hemp fair CannaTrade was formed in 2001 inspired by the “Swiss hemp boom” in the 90ies and became soon one of the most important and biggest hemp fair in the world. Due to changes of mind in Swiss hemp politics, during the years 2004 to 2008 as well as the concurrent liberalisation of cannabis in Spain, Austria, Czech Republic and especially in the USA, the Swiss hemp fair diminished extremely and took place only every two years.

The big change came in 2016 when innovative Swiss growers cultivated cannabis with less than 1% THC and revived thereby the Swiss cannabis business. Nowadays it is already legal to sell CBD flowers as a kind of substitute for tobacco in Swiss. The higher margin of the THC content by law makes the cultivation of hemp plants with higher CBD content even possible and this meets with economic interests worldwide. Also the hemp fair CannaTrade is springing to life and becomes again an important platform for the international cannabis trade.

This fact is accented by the International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC) which takes place for its first time in cooperation with CannaTrade, on Thursday 16th of May 2019, and will certainly attract hundreds of companies to Zurich.

The upcoming edition 2019 takes place again in Zurich Oerlikon, Hall 622. It takes only three minutes by S-Bahn (suburban train) from the central railway station Zurich to the hall 622 in Zurich-Oerlikon and only 15 minutes from the airport Zurich. Nearby the exhibition hall you find all you might need for a perfect stay, like hotels, restaurants, shops and parking decks.

Over 200 exhibitors from all over the world will „populate“ 150 stalls of CannaTrade 2019 to present their products and to inform on the diversity of the hemp plant. Additionally we also arrange for distinguished lectures and discussions with well-known representatives of politics, culture and certainly out of the world of cannabis. 

Program & Highlights


Joint Rolling Contest – Qualification & Swiss Championship
The Joint Rolling Contest, born in Switzerland at CannaTrade anno 2001, became meanwhile a Swiss-wide event! During the three editions of Cannabis Village (St. Gallen, Basel and Bern) one could already show its ability in the category «Fastest Joint» and «Most Attractive Joint». The last pre-limes (in Zurich) take place on Friday, 17th of May 2019 as well as on Saturday 18th of May until 14.00 h at CannaTrade’s Stand #512 (Galery). Afterwards, at 16.00 h, we will start with the first edition of the Swiss Championship in Joint Rolling.

Swiss Glass Challenge – Glassblower Show
The Swiss Glassblower Challenge at Cannatrade 2019 in Zurich will be presented live by three top artists in Boro-Glassblowing! Laceface (@lacefaceglass), Captain Cornelius Wafflebottom Crunklestein III (@crunklestein) and Salt (@saltglass) will use a special glass material, prepared by Jolex (@jolexglass) (Keyword «Galaxy»). The Challenge: The participating artists have to create objects of utility, made of glass, on all three fair days. Legal tools to shape the glass are a fondue-fork and Swiss-Military-Knife. You are invited to see this crazy show live at Stand #215 (Outdoor-Area). The ready works of art will be presented on 19th of May 2019.

CannaComix – The Biggest Cannabis-Comics Exhibition
Ivan Art, Steve Stoned & Gerhard Seyfried will show their works of art of Cannabis-Comics during the past 25 years. We are proud to have the three artists live at CannaTrade 2019! Get a comic painting of you and your sweethearts or a signature on your favourite picture. Maybe you have some questions relating their works and influences, listen to stories you nearly won’t believe. Come and visit this lovely act at Stand #506 (Galery). / /

Hemp (Latin: cannabis) is one of the eldest cultivated plant and for more than 5.000 years nearly worldwide known for its medical and useful purpose.
Instead of plastics, nowadays mostly used, one could produce sustainable fabrics, ropes and strings from the caulis of the hemp plant.

The seeds of the hemp plant are high quality food stuff with a remarkable high content of the unsaturated fatty acid Omega-3. You can enjoy hemp seeds it many ways – hull or de-hull seeds, cold pressed for oil or flour for backing and more. Right now, in times of the Superfood-Hype the hemp plant is desired, maybe like never before. Discover the world of hemp in its entire diversity with food stuff, beauty care, mattresses or even building material to build your own castle! Have a stay at the Hanfwarenhaus, Stand #152 (Hall).

Thursday May 16th, 2019 – ICBC
International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC)The International Cannabis Business Conference, the world's premier global cannabis event, has an impressive lineup established for 2019 that includes its third annual trek to Berlin and now, partnering with CannaTrade in Zurich, May 15-16. The ICBC, founded in the United States in 2014, made its European debut in Berlin 2017, its biggest conference, and we are excited to be joining them for their unique combination of business, politics, science, and culture in Switzerland at the beautiful Hotel 

Friday 17th of May 2019 - Business & Politics
Lectures and DiscussionsParticipants are Micha Knodt (DE), Florian Rister (DE), Simon Anderfuhren (CH), Thomas Kessler (CH), Mathias Bröckers (DE), Cédric Heeb (CH) and many others
17.00 hPanel Discussion: What kind of regulation would be the best for Swiss?

Saturday, 18th of May 2019 - Cannabis Culture
LecturesParticipants are Hans Cousto (DE), Markus Berger (DE), Mathias Bröckers (DE) and many more.NEW: Joint Roll Contest – Swiss 
CannaSwissCup – AwardshowAward show for the best Swiss CBD-Grass grown in 2018/19. Detailed information on the CannaSwissCup you find here
CannaSesh – Aftershow PartyIn Sektor 11, the legendary ex-Oxa-Club, the night turns to day! Line-Up and Details: 

Sunday 19th of May 2019 - Cannabis as Medicine

Lectures and Discussions
Participants are Dr. med. Franjo Grotenhermen (DE - via Skype), Bernd Griesch (DE), Manfred Fankhauser (CH), Dr. Rober Hämmig (CH), Franziska Quadri (CH), Yvonne Scherrer (CH) and many others.
CannAward – Award Ceremony
The best products out of nine different categories are awarded annually at CannaTrade. Details:

Program Details & Times:

CannaTrade 2019 – Figures and Facts

200 Exhibitors - 150 Stands
We proudly present a fully booked exhibition hall of CannaTrade 2019 and reached hereby the high level of the past years.

12'000 Visitors are expected
CannaTrade 2018 could welcome around 10’000 visitors during the three fair days. For this years’ edition we expect at least 12’000 visitors, including 1000 business visitors, due to the current cannabis boom in Swiss.

Opening Times
Friday: 11.00 – 19.00
Saturday: 11.00 – 20.00
Sunday: 11.00 – 18.00

Food and Drinks
Various food stands and bars at CannaTrade will prepare delicacies, mostly made of hemp, from all over the world.

Route to CannaTrade
We advice you to take the public transport! The exhibition hall 622 is nearby the railway station of Zürich-Oerlikon and it takes only three minutes by S-Bahn (suburban train) from the central railway station Zurich.

The pre-selling of tickets is available under

Minimum Age
Access to CannaTrade is legal from the age of 18. Minors only have access when accompanied by legal guardians.

After Show Party
The big After Show Party of CannaTrade and the CannaSwissCup takes place in the Sektor 11, the legendary ex-Oxa-Club! Infos & Line-Up:

For any questions please contact:
Exhibition Management: Mr. Ben Arn – Fon 0041 31 398 02 35 –