CanEx - Cannabis Investment Summit - Barbados

May 14, 2019, 9:00 AM
May 14, 2019, 5:00 PM
$ 159

About CanEx - Cannabis Investment Summit - Barbados

The CanEx Cannabis Investment Summits will bring together accredited investors, banker, lawyers, policymakers and healthcare professionals to offer an overview of the legal cannabis industry and specifically to speak to investment opportunities. The event will feature a range of subject matter oriented toward exposing accredited investors to considering investments directly into businesses, equities and/or into funds that specialize in the industry.

Each Investment Summit will include a keynote presentation, business pitches from screened companies seeking to raise capital and a panel discussion with seasoned investors speaking to the global opportunities and investor considerations for placing funds in the industry.

Who Attends the Cannabis Investment Summit?
Investors: Come learn about the opportunities and challenges from some of the leaders in the industry and hear specific investment ideas being pitched.

Attendees will include:
Accredited Retail Investors
Institutional Investors
Private Wealth Managers
Other Key Industry Stakeholders