Ag Employers Compliance Workshop

Mar 6, 2019, 1:00 PM
Feb 5, 2019, 4:00 PM
MCGA Headquarters
$ 10–25

About Ag Employers Compliance Workshop

Ag Employers Compliance Workshop
Presented by Stacy Bryant with People Need People, President & Founder

This workshop will cover the importance of vetting your employees and how to do so, we'll talk about onboarding and provide you with a comprehensive checklist. We'll also discuss the contents of an employee handbook and provide references for drafting one. We'll dive deep in to employees vs. independent contractors and explain the liability of misclassification. This workshop will also cover important topics such as: confusing piece rate, hourly vs. salary and overtime exemptions, as well as the importance of good record keeping.


Stacy Bryant
President and Founder People Need People