

Analytical Cannabis Testing Laboratory, San Diego, California.
Research / Cannabis Analysis Labs

About PharmLabs

Cannabinoids Profiling & Analysis

Our Cannabinoid Potency test offers a quantitative analysis of several common psychoactive compounds found in cannabis and cannabis derived products. Our cannabinoid potency test establishes the amount of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Tetrahydrocannabinol Acid (THCA), Cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabidiol Acid (CBDA), Cannabigerol (CBG) and Cannabinol (CBN), contained in a submitted sample of cannabis or cannabis product.

Our Cannabinoid Potency test separates the acidic compounds from the neutral compounds and defines the decarboxylation ratio of a sample which is extremely helpful in formulations of a product and the dosing of a consumer. We recommend using our Cannabinoid Potency Testing for all cannabis and cannabis related products. We use an established scientific method utilizing a High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) for the separation and quantification of THC, THCA, CBD, CBDA, CBG, and CBN. All results are submitted as a percentage of the dry weight of the entire sample unless specifically requested in mg/g, mg/mL, and/or mg/Unit.

Microbiological Contaminants Screenings

Plant matter, including cannabis, are ideal breeding grounds of many types of bacteria and molds. Many of the mold species are capable of creating compounds that are known for causing certain diseases and cancers-mycotoxins. Consumers that are experiencing immune system impairments are at high risk from mycotoxin contaminated products. Mycotoxin & contaminant testing has been done regularly with a High Performance Liquid Chromatograph with a Fluorescence Detector and a Post Column Reactor.

PharmLabs LLC Microbiological Screen is compliant with CA Bureau of Medical Cannabis Regulation (BMCR) law and will include the detection of Shiga toxin–producing Escherichia coli is not detected in 1 gram; Salmonella spp. is not detected in 1 gram; andPathogenic Aspergillus species A. fumigatus, A. flavus, A. niger, and A.terreus are not detected in 1 gram. Using qPCR and differential selective medium technology, we can identify, detect and quantify these microbial contaminants as total plate counts (CFUs) or in parts per million (ppm).

Micro organisms in cannabis can be an indication of spoilage, levels of sanitation and the potential for human pathogenesis. We recommend all manufacturers to test their products before they hit the dispensaries/store shelf and also seek consulting advice on how to properly package and store the edible to increase stability for its shelf life. All of these preventative actions can help prevent consumers from getting sick and also increase the credibility of the cannabis industry as a whole.

Mycotoxin Contaminants Screenings

Also under ideal conditions, some fungi can produce toxic metabolites known as mycotoxins (ex. Aflatoxin and Ochratoxin) which can infect immunocompromised humans and cause allergic, aflatoxin and pathogenic infections such as the disease Aspergillosis.

Especially for those with compromised immune systems, Microbiological contamination can be very harmful and dangerous to one's health. Scientific studies suggest continuous exposure to a specific mycotoxin often results in an allergic reaction resulting from buildup over time, that has the potential to be lethal to some patients even without a compromised immune system.

PharmLabs LLC Mycotoxin Screen is compliant with CA Bureau of Cannabis Controls (BCC) regulations and will include the detection of Aflatoxin (B1,B2,G1,G2) and Ochratoxin A. Using an LC MS/MS, we can quantify in parts per billion (ppb) the exact amount of Aflatoxin and Ochratoxin present.

Terpenes Profiling

Terpenes (TUR-peen) are a large class of organic hydrocarbons produced by a wide variety of plants, and are referred to as terpenoids when denatured by oxidation (drying and curing the flowers). They are the main building block of any plant resin or "essential oils" and contribute to the scent, flavor, and colors. Some are known to have medicinal value. Our test includes: α-Pinene, Camphene, Myrcene, β-Pinene, 3-Carene, α-Terpinene, Ocimene-1, Limonene, p-Cymene, Eucalyptol, g-Terpinene, Terpenolene, Linalool, Isopulegol, Geraniol, β-Caryophyllene, Humulene, Nerolidol-1, Guaiol, Caryophyllene Oxide, α-bisabolol.

Residual Solvent Analysis

Residual solvent analysis is important for any highly-concentrated forms of cannabis. When butters, oils, wax and shatters are created, solvents are used to extract the cannabinoids from the physical plant material. There are three classes of residual solvents based on their assessed risk to human health. Repeated exposure to residual solvents can cause significant health issues to consumers, including allergic reactions, headaches, nausea and more. Most often, residual solvents are analyzed with a Gas Chromatograph with an FID detector and a headspace autosampler.

Pesticide & Herbicide Analysis

We test for 66 pesticides commonly used during different states of growing cannabis. Our method for determining Pesticide concentration by LC MS/MS and GC MS/MS is completely quantitative and involves an extensive sample prep procedure to ensure high sensitivity. All samples are run with accompanying standard curves containing known concentrations of pesticide standards as well quality control samples to ensure high accuracy and precision. The process begins by pulverizing the plant material into a homogenous powder to ensure all parts of the flower are represented in the analysis. The material is then extracted in a solvent that solubilizes pesticides, and these compounds are then further separated from interfering compounds using additional purification steps. We have developed our sample prep process independently in our lab and we do not use any commercially available system to extract pesticide from the products.

Once the sample prep is complete, the sample is analyzed on a Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer which is coupled to an HPLC or a GC. Our quantitation range spans nearly 3 orders of magnitude, ranging down to the low parts per billion for most compounds. Calibration curves and quality control analysis ensure linearity in quantitation, and this analysis is included in the report.

Pesticide residues in cannabis that has been dried and inhaled have a direct pathway into the bloodstream. Like other foodstuffs, contaminants consumed through foods mixed with cannabis may present an exposure hazard. It is logical to assume that the prohibition on the use of a federally registered pesticide would result in a zero tolerance or allowable residue on the consumed cannabis. However, three states allow cannabis to contain pesticide residues of any federally registered pesticide up to a level less than the lowest legal residue of the pesticide on food. Oregon has set a generally acceptable level of .1ppm. This allowance of pesticide exposure does not account for the lack of EPA review of cumulative risk or toxic body burden associated with the additional exposure to pesticide residues from cannabis. Very little peer-reviewed research has been published on the health and safety risks associated with pesticides on dried cannabis. However, the tests that have been performed show cause for significant consumer concern, particularly medical patients or those with elevated risk factors. Studies on tobacco provide good indications of the threats that may arise from smoking pesticide-laced products and, thus, the importance of state enforcement. A 2002 study, published in the Journal of Chromatography A, found that 1.5-15.5% of pyrethroid insecticides on treated tobacco is transferred to cigarette smoke. Significant levels of pesticide residues were found within the cigarette’s cotton filter. In addition to the transference of pesticide residue from the dried plant to the smoker, burning can cause pyrolysis (decomposition) of the pesticide, forming toxic mixtures or other toxic pesticide contaminants. Additionally, unlike most packaged tobacco products, cannabis is not typically filtered when its smoke is inhaled, and therefore smokers may expose themselves to much higher levels of pesticides and degradates.

Heavy Metal Analysis

ICP/MS and AA Spectrophotometers have been reliable sources of instrumentation to test for heavy metals. The significance in testing for metals, such as lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic is imperative. Reducing the exposure to these heavy metals will reduce the risk of adverse health effects, especially in those consumers who have an already compromised immune system.

Unfortunately, there is a potential of heavy metal exposure with the use of cannabis from cultivating the plant itself, its commercialization, and its intake methods. Soils used for growing cannabis outdoors are frequently in peri-urban locations or near abandoned industrial and mining sites. Consequently, the presence of pollutant metals such as lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), arsenic (As), and cadmium (Cd) in the soil and water tend to be more pervasive. Certain packagings have been found to contain heavy metals, where these metals have been proven to leech ino products at high contaminating levels, failing batches. Cultivation soils used indoors can also present problems especially if non-certified fertilizers and/or pesticides containing Pb or As are used. As cannabis is a commodity typically sold by weight, some street dealers have been known to deliberately "lace" product to increase its weight. Pb is commonly used for this and in excess amounts is visible due to its consistency and white color.

Water Activity/Moisture Testing

As part of our California Compliance testing, our laboratory analyzes dried flower harvest-batch samples to determine its water-activity level. If the water activity is at or below 0.65 Aw, the sample “passes” water-activity testing.

Our laboratory analyzes solid and semi-solid edible cannabis products to determine its water-activity level as part of our California Compliance Testing. If the water activity is at or below 0.85 Aw, the sample “passes” water activity testing. Water activity at or above .85 Aw that is found in a product is an indicator that there is the ideal conditions for bacterias to grow and contaminate the product in the sealed package.

Our laboratory reports the water-activity level of the sample in Aw to 2 significant figures. This information is included on certificate of analysis when required.

We analyze a cured flower harvest-batch sample to determine its moisture content when required by law. If the moisture content is at 5.0% to 13.0%, the sample “passes” moisture-content testing. Moisture content in percentage to the nearest tenth of one percent, by weight, of the dry sample on the certificate of analysis. By California law, if a harvest-batch sample “fails” water-activity or moisture-content testing, the harvest batch may be returned to the cultivator or person holding title for further drying and curing unless prohibited by these regulat


Greg Magdoff
Clarence D. Gillet
VP of Scientific Operations & Laboratory Director
Nicole Hernande
Supervisory Analyst
Alicia Morf
Operations Manager
Emanuele Tozzato
Laboratory Informatics


$30,000 - $60,000 a year
01 Oct 2019