Sharonville Family Medicine

Sharonville Family Medicine

Dr. Sawyer has the medical license for “Certification to Recommend” (CTR) medical cannabis (medicinal marijuana) for designated medical conditions as set up by the state of Ohio. The patient registry for Ohio is now open and patients can now be registered if Doctor Sawyer determines they meet the medical criteria. Please note that even though the registry is active there only a few dispensaries. This means that product availability is limited.

About Sharonville Family Medicine

Welcome to Sharonville Family Medicine, a “medical home” since 1960.

Dr. William P. Sawyer took over the practice in 1986 from Dr. Chester Nameth.  We are the longest continuously operating private practice in Sharonville, Ohio, and perhaps the state of Ohio, providing personalized care for you and your family.

We serve as your quarterback,  counselor and coach, to treat your medical illnesses and to help teach you health and wellness strategies to enjoy a better quality of life. Yes, imagine if you had a physician who cared both for and about you. We are interested in taking care of people who are interested in participating in their healthcare and well-being, as that dramatically improves your results and makes for a better “team”.

We emphasize a non-pharmaceutical approach to health and well-being but understand that medications are necessary at specific times.

We ask that you commit yourself to the patient- physician relationship as we have discovered that that improves your outcome and our ability to coordinate your healthcare.

We want you to achieve optimal health and “stay well”. We help you orchestrate the complicated health delivery system for diagnostic tests and specialty care that you may need at different times during your lifetime.
We even do house calls when it makes sense in your care and will care for you at several different long term care facilities around the city that allow your personal physician to stay involved in your care.


William P. Sawyer


Medical Sales


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Hours (AEST)

10:00 - 17:00

Open now

12:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00