Integrative Medicine is a healing-oriented medicine that takes into account the whole person, including all aspects of lifestyle, placing a particular emphasis on the therapeutic relationship between practitioner and patient. In one light, we view the integration between body, mind, spirit, and community. The other view point is the integration of the conventional, allopathic approach with less conventional, more holistic modalities, many rooted in Eastern traditions.
Dr. Zaklin works together with his patients partnering his foundation in Internal Medicine with Mind-Body Medicine, Yoga, Energy Medicine, Herbal Medicine, Cannabis Therapeutics, Nutrition and Functional Medicine to optimize health and wellness. When appropriate, referrals may be made to physicians in the community and Partners Network, as well as Integrative practitioners specializing in manual therapy, acupuncture, herbalism, behavioral therapy, or energy medicine.
Integrative Medicine assessments, Individually tailored Cannabis Therapeutics programs with Medical Marijuana Certification, Meditation Instruction