Lush Lighting

Lush Lighting

High intensity LED grow lights. From Seed to harvest, one light does it all.
Grow Lights

About Lush Lighting

Lush Lighting was incorporated in early 2012 after several years of independent research and is a model for how companies should operate. We value our community, customers, employees and products before profit margins. Even if it costs more to do things the right way, then that is what we will do.

Our LED grow lights are recognized and shipped worldwide. Lush LED Lights are serviced in the United States. If you ever have a problem with one of our lights, you can trust it will be fixed for you immediately. We ship “loaner lights” to use while we repair damaged units so your garden never has to go without the lighting it needs. We care about you and we want to help you succeed!

We are dedicated to educating the public on the science and development behind our products. We offer technical information about our LED grow lights and the botany research used to create them. We pride ourselves in our honest commitment to always provide the highest quality LED grow lights. Low-quality LED lights are assembled with cheap LEDs and drivers and result in a large decrease in light output. We have spent years perfecting this technology and we will only ship lights that are exact to our specifications. Each unit is tested in the United States to ensure they have these quality components every time.

Worldwide Mission

Our goal is to create interior grow lights so efficient they can be used on a massive scale in order to help fight world hunger. Lush Lighting is setting two new standards: increasing the efficiency of the light energy we create; and increasing the efficiency of a plant’s ability to absorb that light energy. Together, we can provide food for areas that would not be able to grow their own otherwise. Our research and development facilities currently donate produce and goods to local charities.

Backed by Science

Lush Lighting uses cutting edge technology and scientific methods behind what makes plants grow in natural sunlight to optimize growth rates indoors. By focusing on tests that relate to spectral irradiance responses in plants from the different voltage photons, we have discovered the ratios of light intensity that plants absorb from the sun! We continually analyze these ratios of light intensity in order to increase the rate of cellular division and growth of plants.

Properly fueling photosynthesis, along with always utilizing the most efficient form of creating light, Lush Lighting products will stay one step ahead of other grow light manufacturers.


Renae Johnson


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