HEMPVET pet health remedies combine broad-spectrum, non-GMO hemp and its powerful health benefits with scientifically-advanced, issue-specific ingredients. Formulated by a board-certified animal nutritionist, using proprietary colostrum peptide formulas and other well-researched ingredients, our soft chews and oils provide comprehensive remedies with over 80+ targeted components for your pet’s total health and wellness.
Hemp Products
Extraction Equipment


At HEMPVET, our goal is to keep your pets strong and healthy for as long as possible. Our products are founded on science, with love and a passion for giving your pets the very best care they deserve. Our team of leading pet health professionals developed innovative hemp-based soft chews to offer the ultimate support for the most common pet health challenges.

Combining the nourishing entourage of hemp with powerful issue-specific ingredients developed by a board-certified animal nutritionist, our soft chews support your pet’s cellular health, immune system, neurocognitive function, hip & joint mobility and with ultimate calming & relaxation.