These 3 Tiny Pot Stocks Are Diamonds in the Rough

[email protected] (Ben Mahaney) - Posted 5 years ago

Industry participants believe the cannabis segment will become a $500 billion industry.  For now, it is a fraction of that potential.  There have been some companies that have seen significant movements in their stock prices.  What I wanted to do is point out some lesser-known stocks that still have the potential for large movements in their stocks.  These stocks have lower volumes and are prone to bigger swings as these companies ramp up production.  If an investor could stomach a wild ride there may be long-term potential with these companies.

1933 Industries

1933 Industries (TGIFF) is a Canadian company whose market capitalization is just under $100 million. They are taking steps almost daily to grow their business including getting involved in Canadian adult-use cannabis sales.  Currently, the company operates in Nevada with retail and grow operations (although they have a presence in other states such as California and Colorado).  This company has potential as they are just on the cusp of profitability with their increasing revenue and their declining rate of net losses.  And, their stock is just starting to pick back up after its selloff from initial euphoria:

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If you want a detailed look at the company’s growth they have a large flow chart of their progression to date. I am still waiting to hear back from the company regarding their total production capabilities.  But, if you scan through the flow chart they provide my best guess is close to 50,000 kg of cannabis annually.  This puts the company at a potential valuation based on their production possibility and revenue potential.  I’m looking at a bigger picture with this company and think they have the ability to accelerate their earnings in short order.

Invictus MD

Invictus MD (IVITF) is about to up-list on the NASDAQ and that is good news for the stock.  The increased exposure on more mainstream markets will bring in higher volumes and tighter spreads reducing investor risk.  But, the real draw for me was the fact that within 18 months the company will be producing some 50,000 kg of cannabis annually.  With that kind of potential, this company could be nearly $1 billion valuation in about 20 months’ time as the company ramps up production.  However, the company’s current valuation is still below $100 million giving the potential of a 10-times price movement.

Given these two variables, I like this company a great deal.  Also, their stock price is at a basic price of $0.74 per share allowing for ownership of large numbers.  I will be constantly monitoring the company as I look for new information on what is next for this company:

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From what I can tell, AgraFlora (PUFXF) is a perfect example of a company who’s stock is mis-priced.  First, the company has teamed up with a long-term tomato grower that has many years of experience with indoor growing facilities, HVAC, and controlled indoor grow environments for vegetables.  There is not a tremendous amount of difference in the grow process of one plant versus another.  So, the company’s partner may be the best yet in the industry.  AgraFlora will have 250,000 kg annual production facility up and running very shortly.  Plus, the partnership they have will ensure viability with getting their business up and running as they switch from tomatoes to cannabis.

With 250,000 kg. of cannabis production capability, that could eventually value the company at $5 billion.  They are currently valued at under $100 million.  Their stock has been pushed downward but that may be a factor of the low volumes for the stock.  But, long-term, I see a tremendous amount of potential; this stock may become my favorite for a while:

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Check out the articles in this category focused on cannabis stocks. By gaining a strong foundation in both the fundamentals and technical details usually involved in cannabis stocks, you’ll be able to invest with greater confidence.


Author’s Disclosure:  I have no positions on these stocks at this time nor will be placing trades on these stocks in the next 72 hours.

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