NEW YORK, June 04, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The
Klein Law Firm announces that class action complaints have been
filed on behalf of shareholders of the following companies. If you
suffered a loss you have until the lead plaintiff deadline to
request that the court appoint you as lead plaintiff.
Eventbrite, Inc. (EB)
Class Period: Purchasers of shares (a) pursuant and/or traceable to
the Company’s September 2018 initial public offering; and/or (b)
between September 20, 2018 and March 7, 2019
Lead Plaintiff Deadline: June 17, 2019
Eventbrite, Inc. allegedly made materially false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (1) the Company’s migration of customers from Ticketfly to Eventbrite was progressing slower than expected; (2) as a result, the Ticketfly integration would take longer than expected; (3) as a result, the Company’s revenue and growth would be negatively impacted; and (4) as a result of the foregoing, Defendants’ positive statements about the Company’s business, operations, and prospects, were materially misleading and/or lacked a reasonable basis.
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EB lawsuit:
BrightView Holdings, Inc. (BV)
Class Period: Purchasers of common stock pursuant to the IPO
completed around July 2, 2018
Lead Plaintiff Deadline: June 14, 2019
The complaint alleges that the defendants made materially false and/or misleading statements in the Offering Documents relating to the IPO, including omitting or failing to disclose that: (i) a material portion of BrightView’s contracts were underperforming and/or represented undesirable costs to the Company; (ii) as a result of the foregoing, BrightView would implement a “managed exit†strategy to end its low margin and non-profitable contracts with customers; (iii) this “managed exit†strategy would negatively impact BrightView’s future revenue throughout 2018, and would continue to do so well into fiscal year 2019; and (iv) as a result, the Offering Documents were materially false and/or misleading and failed to state information required to be stated therein.
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BV lawsuit:
Bloom Energy Corporation (BE)
Class Period: on behalf of all persons who purchased or otherwise
acquired Bloom Energy common stock pursuant or traceable to Bloom
Energy’s July 2018 IPO.
Lead Plaintiff Deadline: July 29, 2019
The complaint alleges that Bloom Energy's Registration Statement was materially misleading as it failed to disclose known events and trends that were severely affecting the Company’s business and that made investment in Bloom Energy significantly riskier than presented in the Registration Statement. In particular, the Registration Statement failed to disclose that the Company was experiencing material construction delays. These construction delays would cause system deployments (or “acceptances†as Defendants referred to them) to fall significantly below even the low end of the Company’s previously announced guidance. While the Registration Statement purported to warn of risks that “may arise,†which could materially affect the Company, in actuality these material negative events were already occurring. As a result, the representations and purported risk disclosures were false and misleading because, by the time of the IPO, construction delays had already impacted or would soon impact Bloom Energy’s ability to deliver acceptances in line with its guidance.
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BE lawsuit:
Sprint Corporation (NYSE:S)
Class Period: January 31, 2019 to April 16, 2019
Lead Plaintiff Deadline: June 21, 2019
The complaint alleges that Sprint made materially false and misleading statements and/or failed to disclose material information. In particular, the complaint alleges that throughout the class period Sprint misrepresented the number of net postpaid subscriber additions in its Form 10-Q for the period ending December 31, 2018. Sprint would later admit that the data was “incomplete,†and “not a substitute for a realistic analysis of the key factors that are most probative of Sprint’s overall competitive position and prospects,†because “postpaid net additions recently have been driven by ‘free lines’ offered to Sprint customers and the inclusion of less valuable tablet and other non-phone devices, as well as pre to post migrations that do not represent ‘new’ Sprint customers.â€
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S lawsuit:
Your ability to share in any recovery doesn’t require that you serve as a lead plaintiff. There is no cost or obligation to you. If you suffered a loss during the class period and wish to obtain additional information, please contact J. Klein, Esq. by telephone at 212-616-4899 or visit the webpages provided.
J. Klein, Esq. represents investors and participates in securities litigations involving financial fraud throughout the nation. Attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes.
J. Klein, Esq.
Empire State Building
350 Fifth Avenue
59th Floor
New York, NY 10118
Telephone: (212) 616-4899
Fax: (347) 558-9665