Spirit Leaf gets the go-ahead to open cannabis retail store in Kingston, Ont.

Anisha Dhiman - thegrowthop.com Posted 5 years ago

Inner Spirit Holdings Ltd. and Daniel Telio—among the 25 retail cannabis lottery winners in Ontario—have teamed up and been granted an operating licence for a retail cannabis store in Kingston, Ont., believed to be one of the first approved in the province.



Selected by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO), Telio has since partnered with Inner Spirit Holdings and its wholly owned subsidiary, Spirit Leaf Inc. “The partnership between Spirit Leaf and Mr. Telio is through a brand licensing arrangement approved by AGCO,” reports Inner Spirit Holdings, which is establishing a chain of recreational cannabis stores under its Spirit Leaf brand, has more than 100 franchise agreements in place for potential locations and plans to operate some corporate outlets.

At present, there are five Spirit Leaf retail franchise stores open and operating in Alberta and Saskatchewan, with franchise partners preparing to open additional locations across the country, subject to gaining final municipal and provincial approvals.

1a Marijuana New Jersey e1553626145205 Spirit Leaf gets the go ahead to open cannabis retail store in Kingston, Ont.

At present, there are five Spirit Leaf retail franchise stores open and operating in Alberta and Saskatchewan, with franchise partners preparing to open additional locations across the country, subject to gaining final municipal and provincial approvals.

“We’re very pleased our Spirit Leaf store will be one of the first to open in (Ontario) and that it’s happening in the heart of Kingston,” Darren Bondar, president and CEO of Inner Spirit, says in a company press release. “The opportunity to place Spirit Leaf stores in key locations like this across the country will grow our brand and drive business growth,” Bondar comments.

Through Spirit Leaf, Inner Spirit Holdings “has 20 franchise agreements in place for the Ontario market in anticipation of the Government of Ontario’s plans to issue additional retail licences starting in December 2019,” the company statement notes. The intention is “to open, or license to others the right to open, up to the maximum 75 stores allowable under current provincial government guidelines,” it adds.


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