Organizer claims cannabis pub-crawl in Halifax cancelled by Alcohol and Gaming Authority

Emma Spears - Posted 5 years ago

A Halifax-based event promotor is saying that a planned cannabis pub crawl on 4/20 has been declared verboten by the Alcohol and Gaming Authority (AGA).

The pub crawl was to consist of stops at several establishments like the Roxbury and Vinyl. Attendees were to be given a pre-rolled joint at the first two bars on the tour.

Krishna Parmar of Dart Frog Events says that while the AGA approved the event last month, the authorities are hypocritical for selling cannabis and alcohol in the same retail location via the NLSC.

cannabis 420 20180420 Organizer claims cannabis pub crawl in Halifax cancelled by Alcohol and Gaming Authority

The annual 4/20 celebration takes place on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on April 20, 2018.

The Chronicle-Herald reports that the AGA said that they “did not approve or cancel this pub crawl” in an emailed statement.

Parmar says he’s annoyed that the AGA didn’t contact Dart Frog, and that he heard of the cancellation through a participating bar. He thinks the cancellation of the event is a missed opportunity for cannabis lovers in the Atlantic province.

“There’s no event kind of like that in Nova Scotia,” Parmar says. “A lot of people that smoke weed like to go downtown, but it was kind of hard to find events that catered to them.”

This long weekend Haligonian enthusiasts of both cannabis and alcohol who wish to engage in simultaneous enjoyment will have to be satisfied with doing so in a private, less organized setting.

Cannabis has now been legal for six months, and this Saturday will mark the first 4/20 (a cannabis subculture holiday) since legalization has gone into effect.

Organizers of a much larger Vancouver celebration in honour of the holiday have also faced cancellation requests from governing bodies this week.


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