No monkeying around: Hemp extract treatment increases air flow rates of primates with pulmonary fibrosis in two weeks

Angela Stelmakowich - Posted 5 years ago

Improvements in respiration rate, tidal volume and inspiratory air flow rate were observed in male, non-human primates with previously induced moderate pulmonary fibrosis after being treated with a compound mixture of hemp extract (NCMB-1), signalling the need for further exploration and research, Kali-Extracts, Inc. reports.

The finding—part of the studies carried out by KALY last July and August—sought to assess NCMB-1’s effect on the lung function of African Green Monkeys (AGM), the company, which uses its patented cannabis extraction process to develop wellness products internally and through partnerships, noted in publishing the preliminary results.

Available on the company’s website, the research report details the recent pilot treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in primates using an extract derived from KALY’s patented cannabis extraction process.

“The bronchiolar tissue and tracheal/bronchiolar branching of non-human primate such as the Caribbean (African) vervet is remarkably similar to that of humans. This makes the vervet an ideal animal model to study pulmonary bronchiolar function, control of airway resistance and the relationships of upper and lower airways in regulating ventilation,” the report states.

To assess the effect on lung function, AGMs were orally treated with a small, 50 ul dosage twice daily for two weeks; lung function was measured before treatment and at seven and 14 days post administration; and dosages at undiluted, five times dilution and 25 times dilution were compared to vervets receiving vehicle (corn oil) only.

1a GettyImages 699850524 e1553519827753 No monkeying around: Hemp extract treatment increases air flow rates of primates with pulmonary fibrosis in two weeks

Pictured in 2017, an employee of the ‘Hemp Embassy’ store in Milan, Italy, takes care of the hemp plants.

Within two weeks of treating AGMs with the five times NCMB-1, the report points to observed significant increases in respiration rate (55 percent), tidal volume (38 percent) and inspiratory air flow rate (82 percent). “There were no adverse effects of drug treatment in any animal throughout the study,” it states.

“The overall results demonstrate that NCMB-1 improved airway function as measured by increased tidal volume, increased airway flow and, hence, decreased airway resistance and increased respiration rate,” a KALY press release notes.

With regard to the 25 times dosage, it “had minimal to no effects on lung function, similar to the vehicle-treated AGM,” while the undiluted NCMB-1 “had similar effects on inspiratory lung function to that of the five times dilution,” the research report notes.

“Future studies should involve dosages of the NCBM-1 extract in and around the five times dilution. It is recommended that future studies utilize extract concentrations in the three times to 10 times range of dilutions,” the report advises.

“Given the in vitro studies previously conducted in cultured human pulmonary epithelial cells, the role of anti-inflammatory agents and their genetic regulation are a clear target for the continued study of the AGM and pulmonary functional responses to NCMB-1,” KALY reports.

“NCMB-1 may have important clinical uses in patients with lung diseases that restrict inspiratory air flow with minimal adverse side effects. Future studies will better define the effects in female AGM, the maximum dosage efficacy of NCMB-1, the time course of positive effects on lung functions and the overall mechanisms of action of the mixture,” the report concludes. “Other studies will also determine the effects of this mixture on lung expiratory functions in disease that closely resemble COPD and asthma.”


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