Miss Marijuana founder defends a beauty pageant only for ‘natural born women’

Anisha Dhiman - thegrowthop.com Posted 5 years ago

Howard R. Baer, the founder of Miss Marijuana, defends his plans for the beauty pageant in Las Vegas and explains why restricting it to “natural born woman” is not sexist or transphobic.

screen shot 2019 03 14 at 10.39.20 am Miss Marijuana founder defends a beauty pageant only for ‘natural born women’

Howard R. Baer, founder of Miss Marijuana. Photo: hrbaermedia.com

Q. Why is the pageant for “young, single (unmarried) and natural born women” only?

Miss Universe is the only major pageant that allows transgenders. I personally own two LGBT web sites. I also own a non-profit site for the protection of children, AnnonymousTips.com So I’m somewhat supportive of the gay community and I protect children. I don’t have a prejudiced bone in my body.

That being said, the majority of transgenders have not had the operation and most of the men still look like men. I think them being in a girl’s dressing room is wrong. I think many young ladies would be very uncomfortable with that and I simply don’t believe it’s the right thing to do. Perhaps in the future when it may become more normalized, but not now, at least not for me.

There is no question that the pageant will be controversial for many reasons, but the contestants will receive utmost respect and will be well cared for while they are with us.

Q. What about the age limit? 

We’re fashioning this pageant after many of the majors like Miss USA (18 to 28), Miss World  (16.5 to 26), Miss International (17 to 26), Miss Universe (18 to 28), and Miss Canada (18 to 28).

The FAQ section of Miss USA states, “the contestants may not be married or pregnant. They must not have ever been married, not had a marriage annulled nor given birth to, or parented, a child.” I can’t imagine how much flack I’d receive if I put that rule into effect.

Q. What’s the main idea behind the pageant? 

First and foremost, it’s a business. It’s an opportunity for the industry to get involved by sponsoring their own girls for the pageant. It’s an opportunity for normal, everyday girls to become a contestant and possibly win some nice prizes, and hopefully, if all goes well in the finale, it will be a fun entertaining evening for everyone.

We allow all natural born, single women. Tattoos, college or not, previously married or not, children or not. It’s pretty much an open door for anyone that has had the desire to be in a beauty pageant but has not had the opportunity. All sizes, shapes, color and all nationalities are welcome to participate.

And it will not be political. The girls don’t have to be out to save the world.

Q. Who are some of the event sponsors? 

We’re dealing with the principals of a major hotel in Vegas, but we can’t be sure until a deal is reached. Our main sponsor is a company from Canada that has nothing to do with dispensaries or grows.


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