Here’s why this cannabis photo posted by Miley Cyrus’ family sparked an online debate about white privilege

Emma Spears - Posted 5 years ago

Advocates for cannabis amnesty are frustrated after Billy Ray Cyrus posted an image to Instagram and Twitter of wife Tish posing cheerfully with a massive stash of cannabis. The parents of pop star and vocal weed enthusiast Miley Cyrus took the ‘gram to show off Tish standing next to a huge locker full of greenery.



“Yes! Like I said yesterday @TishCyrus…. my how the times they are a changing #CrAzYMaMa,” Billy Ray captioned the photo.

But changing for whom is the question asked by many as the image sparked a debate about white privilege and cannabis. Social media users were quick to point out that many cannabis users, particularly those from racialized populations, have been jailed for possession of much smaller amounts of the drug, whereas the Cyrus family is unlikely to face any consequences.

“Thousands of Black people are in jail for the most minor weed offenses but Miley Cyrus’ mom can post this on Instagram with no issues,” tweeted @cxcope.

“Every single person in jail right now for smoking pot should be released yesterday,” wrote Twitter user @AugustJPollak.

CNN reporter Soledad O’Brien agreed.

Tish Cyrus quickly posted a follow-up denying that the locker full of green was hers.

“First of all… My husband @billyraycyrus is INSANE, Second, this picture is also insane, and third this is NOT my weed or my house! hahah. But if it was, that would be amazing for so many reasons!” she wrote on Instagram.

Miley mentioned her mother’s personal and possible commercial interests in cannabis last year in a radio interview with Andy Cohen.

“My mom is going to kill me but yeah, my mom smokes a lot of weed. She’s probably won’t care. She’ll be like, ‘I’ve been wanting to do a weed company so you got me started. I’ll get you in don’t worry.’”

“She was doing candles… I think she should stick with candles.”


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