Drug-impaired driving on the rise, cannabis-impaired driving mellow: Commission report

Anna Junker - thegrowthop.com Posted 5 years ago

Edmonton police dealt with less than 100 instances of cannabis-impaired driving in 2018, according to a report to the Edmonton Police Commission Thursday.

The commission was provided with an update to cannabis-related impaired driving statistics in its Q4 Annual Policing Plan.

In anticipation of cannabis legalization on Oct. 17, the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) added a flag in November 2017 for police reports where, based on initial assessment, officers indicate they believe an individual may be under the influence of cannabis.

Before this, suspected impairment was broken down by either alcohol or drugs in general.

Prior to legalization, the report states EPS conducted 51 impaired driving investigations where cannabis was determined to be a suspected substance for impairment.

Since legalization, 14 additional investigations were conducted where cannabis was suspected, for a total of 65.

Drug-impaired driving numbers up

The percentage of drug-impaired driving since 2016 has increased from 5.1 per cent to 12.2 per cent.

“That could be cannabis, that could be other drugs, it could be that we had a substantial increase in our members who are trained … and better able to detect and investigate those events,” said Cal Shafer, EPS strategy analyst, while presenting to the commission.

Impaired driving overall has been decreasing since 2012, but in 2018 there was a slight increase of 0.8 per cent.

However, the report notes these numbers are based on a timely yet preliminary and unofficial indication of cannabis-impaired driving.

The report also notes that while the impact of cannabis has so far been minimal, it should be taken into account that supply chain shortage means cannabis retailers have only been provided with about 20 per cent of sale orders.

To be determined

Edmonton police Chief Dale McFee said the impact from cannabis legalization has yet to be determined.

“The thing that really concerns me about cannabis isn’t necessarily the crime but it’s the driving part,” said McFee after the commission meeting.

“I don’t think we have solved that and as you can see, when we look at impaired driving, it’s not just generally alcohol, it’s not just generally marijuana, it’s generally drugs and alcohol.”

McFee said it’s important to make sure they’re using resources to help curb the behaviour rather than just reacting with response calls.

On Feb. 14, the City of Edmonton said city bylaw officers only issued three tickets and 25 warnings to people in violation of the public smoking bylaw in Churchill Square or on Edmonton Transit Service properties between legalization and last week.

— With files from Paige Parsons 

[email protected]
