Canopy Growth Partners With PAD In Community Cannabis Awareness Initiative

ME Staff - Posted 5 years ago

Canopy Growth Corp (NYSE:CGC) is collaborating with Parent Action on Drugs (PAD), a charitable organization focused on issues of substance abuse among the Youth; alongside the Canadian students for Sensible drug Policy (CSSDP) to launch digital educational tools aimed at helping parents, influencers and youth to have informed discussions on cannabis use.

Public Awareness campaigns post-cannabis legalization

With the legalization of Cannabis in Canada, efforts by stakeholders in the space are endeavoring to ensure youth and adults alike do not abuse the drug. Through the partnership, PAD is set to unveil an interactive chatbot – “Weed Like to Know” expected to engage and educate parents and stakeholders to have an evidence-based conversation with teenagers about the effects of the drug as well as inspire resiliency.

The Chatbot designed by an artificial intelligence (AI) firm, aims to make it easy for parents to open cannabis-related conversations with their kids aimed to curb the negative effects of the drug’s early use.

Through the various activities featured in the chatbot, users get age-appropriate information backed with proof on the effects of cannabis-including impacts on brain development, the provisions of the law and the reasons to consume or not to.

The Chatbot is designed for multiple interfaces including desktops, tablets, smartphones, and laptops. Prospective users can access it via PAD’s official website and social media platforms including Facebook and Twitter.

Other engagements

Prior to the Weed Like To Know initiative, PAD worked with Evolution Health systems to develop an SMS tool focused at disseminating informational cannabis-based texts to youth aged between 15 and 21 years old. Interested users can subscribe to this program through the What’s With Weed official website.

Upon subscription, users will receive cannabis educational texts including scientific facts on the effects of cannabis on the brain, cannabis law, support to cut down use and quitting, alternative options to cope and manage stress, and more.

This is not Canopy Growth’s first community awareness attempt. The company practices an active Corporate Social Responsibility programs credited for multiple initiatives including donations and partnership with stakeholders championing for responsible drug use.

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