Cannabis addiction may be influenced by genetics: study

Emma Spears - Posted 5 years ago

A new study has found that certain people may be genetically prone to cannabis use disorder (or cannabis “addiction,” per the language of the study).

The study, led by Dr. Chandni Hindocha of the University College London (UCL) Clinical Psychopharmacology Unit and published in Addiction Biology, investigated three genetic markers of a genetic variation. While all three markers had shown a correlation with cannabis use disorder, they have never before been considered in combination as part of the same study–all three of which are somehow involved in the endocannabinoid system.

“We were interested in asking whether these genetic markers could predict addiction-related responses after inhaling doses of cannabis, such as how much our attention is drawn to cannabis-related pictures,” Hindocha says in a press release.

Forty-eight cannabis users consumed the drug via vaping, which was followed by the administration of multiple tests associated with a predisposition to addiction. Participants were tested for the three genetic markers, as well as other tests, including a satiety measure, which gauged whether or not users craved more cannabis after their initial consumption; a craving measure; and a drug cue salience test, in which images depicting cannabis or cannabis use were juxtaposed with more neutral, non-drug-related pictures.

The study results showed there was one genotype–the cannabinoid receptor 1 gene–that correlated with a desire to continue using cannabis after already consuming it, as well as an increased interest in the cannabis-related images provided.

The findings further indicated differences in satiety and drug cue salience for all three of the genetic variants for which participants were tested.

The study showed individuals with that particular genetic marker may be more prone to cannabis use disorder, although the study’s authors say more research is needed.

“We hope that our findings could lead to the development of a test that could inform clinicians who are considering prescribing a cannabis-derived medication, as we learn more about which genes affect how people react to cannabis,” says Hindocha.

“There’s still more work to be done to clarify how these genetic variants impact drug effects, and to identify what other factors should be considered to gauge how vulnerable someone is to cannabis addiction,” senior author Val Curran, who is also a professor of the UCL Clinical Psychopharmacology Unit, states in a press release.

“With time, we hope that our results could pave the way towards more personalized approaches to medicinal cannabis prescription.”


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