BREAKING NEWS: Cannabis Investors Score A Touchdown With Mainstream Publicity at Super Bowl LIII

GlobeNewswire - Posted 5 years ago

NEW YORK, Jan. 31, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Commentary,

With the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill and the legalization of marijuana in 33 states, cannabis has jumped from the periphery to the fringes of the mainstream over the past few years. The National Football League (NFL)  and the Super Bowl, are both symbols of mainstream supremacy. Companies have marked their arrival in by advertising during the big game; Amazon, E-trade, Apple were the among those that made their mark with debut commercials during the big game.

This year the Cannabis industry was poised to join the realm of the mainstream, as Acreage Holdings Inc. (OTC:ACRGF) (CSE:ACRG-U), a company in the cannabis cultivation, processing and dispensing business, produced a 60-second ad that was intended to be aired during the Super Bowl which showed three people suffering from varying health issues who say their lives were made better by use of medical marijuana.  However, CBS and the NFL did not feel that cannabis was ready for the big time, as they both rejected the ad.

The rejection was not completely surprising to Acreage, as their ad-agency sent storyboards to the network and received a return email that said: “CBS will not be accepting any ads for medical marijuana at this time.” Acreage’s President George Allen also commented, “We’re not particularly surprised that CBS and/or the NFL rejected the content, and that is actually less a statement about them and more we think a statement about where we stand right now in this country.”

While the NFL and CBS might not be ready for Cannabis to be prime time, that hasn’t stopped other companies from taking advantage of the country’s biggest media stage to get awareness and publicity for their companies. Baristas Coffee Company, Inc. (BCCI) will have two ads during the Super Bowl that will feature its bestselling White Coffee ( but also its new EnrichaRoast CBD Coffee ( which uses a proprietary technology introducing CBD to the beans after they have been roasted. OTCMarketsInsider speculates that CBD got past the network censors because of the passage of the Farm Bill.

While not advertising at the Super Bowl, American Premium Water Corporation (OTC:HIPH) will have a presence in Atlanta, as it announced that it will once again be participating in parties and activities in the run up to Super Bowl LIII. HIPH’s LALPINA CBD brand will once again be featured in a number of events and parties. HIPH unveiled the prototype for what would become its LALPINA CBD beverage at last years Super Bowl festivities in Minneapolis, MN. This makes a lot of sense for the beverage company, as there will certainly be a lot of professional athletes in town for the event. Being in front of them will provide the perfect opportunity to get of the Company’s target demographic with their product that helps treat the aches and pains that afflict current and retired athletes.

Med Men Enterprises (MMNFF) is positioning itself to the premier retail outlet for cannabis related products. The Company recently announced that its revenue rose 40% from the prior period. The Company has been growing its retail footprint over the past 12 months, and currently has outlets in major markets like Los Angles, New York, and Miami. As it continues to expand, its establishing itself as the first nationwide cannabis outlet. With its recent $133 million investment announcement, the Company is well capitalized to afford a 30-second ad on the nation’s most widely watch program. 

But it shouldn’t be long before Cannabis companies are in the spotlight over the biggest weekend in American. AB InBev, whose portfolio includes Budweiser, which is one of the NFL’s largest sponsors and Super Bowl advertiser, partnered with Tilray (NASDAQ: TLRY) to fund a Canadian venture dedicated to researching drinks infused with THC and CBD.  “We intend to develop a deeper understanding of nonalcohol beverages containing THC and CBD that will guide future decisions about potential commercial opportunities,” Labatt Breweries of Canada President, Kyle Norrington said. It is only a matter of time before Budweiser will be advertising CBD and THC beverages alongside its beer commercials during the big game.

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