Boeing CEO: Nothing slipped through in original 737 MAX certification

Daniel McCoy - Posted 5 years ago
Boeing CEO: Nothing slipped through in original 737 MAX certification

The crashes of two 737 MAX jets killed 346 people, sparked a worldwide grounding and federal inquiries into the certification process, resulted in an international panel reviewing the process, made software upgrades for the jet a Boeing Co. priority, and even led to an inter-company process review headed by its own board of directors.  But company CEO Dennis Muilenburg on Wednesday said he did not believe the crashes were the result of anything having slipped past the company or the Federal Aviation Administration during the design and certification process.  “(It was) quite the opposite,” he said. “We know there was one common link in that chain of events and that was the activation of the MCAS system with erroneous angle-of-attack data.

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