4 Marijuana Stocks Making Moves on News This Week

ACCESSWIRE - finance.yahoo.com Posted 5 years ago

CORAL GABLES, FL / ACCESSWIRE / February 14, 2019 / The excitement surrounding the marijuana stock market has to do with the fact that, after years of disapproval, people are finally starting to embrace cannabis and the multitude of purposes it can serve. To this day, marijuana is schedule-1 narcotic, alongside LSD and heroin, but as we've come to accept, cannabis is nowhere near as harmful as the other drugs currently prohibited by the federal government. Following the recent passing of the US Farm Bill, as well as Canada's nation-wide legalization bill, we've seen, slowly but surely, a shift in public opinion on cannabis; consumers are getting onboard. Whereas generations prior condemned the substance and wrote it off as a harmful "narcotic," public perception of cannabis is changing on a daily basis, and opinions are turning largely favorable. Premier Health Group (OTC:PHGRF) (CSE:PHGI), Aurora Cannabis Inc (NYSE: ACB, TSX: ACB), Cronos Group Inc (CRON), and New Age Beverages Corporation (NBEV) represent four cannabis worth keeping on your radar.

Premier Health Group (OTC:PHGRF) (CSE:PHGI) is a company determined to meet the challenges of our ever-evolving healthcare system. Advancements in telemedicine and other medical technologies have driven patients to demand better quality treatments from their healthcare professionals. Premier is focused on developing innovative approaches that combine human skill-based expertise with state-of-the-art technologies to create the best possible treatment options for their growing patient network. The Company's subsidiary, HealthVue, currently boasts an ecosystem of over 100,000 active patients and plans to rapidly increase that number both domestically and internationally.

Premier Health Group (OTC:PHGRF) (CSE:PHGI) today provided consumers and investors in the cannabis sector with a corporate update. Over the past year, the Company has completed several key strategic acquisitions, including Cloud Practice Inc, a healthcare tech olgy company that provides cloud-based electronic medical records software applications for physicians throughout Canada.

As a result of this acquisition, Premier Health Group (OTC:PHGRF) (CSE:PHGI) now has a collective ecosystem of over 3,000,000 active patients and 287 primary care clinics. Additionally, Cloud Practice has seen revenue growth in excess of 30% year over year for the past 3 years. Not only does this acquisition expand the Company's footprint across Canada, but it also provides an opportunity to plug in its services to Cloud Practice's current client base.

Amid their corporate update, Premier Health Group (OTC:PHGRF) (CSE:PHGI) spoke on plans for further expanding their operations. As for the Company's next move, they will be entering the Cannabis clinic space. The role of Cannabis in treating medical conditions is continuously expanding to help patients with acute & chronic symptoms. Currently, there is a critical gap between the patient's need for medical cannabis, and the physician's comfort and knowledge to prescribe it.

For More Information On Premier Health Group, Click Here

Aurora Cannabis Inc (ACB), one of the world's largest cannabis companies, yesterday provided an update to its strategic investment in High Tide Inc, an Alberta-based, vertically-integrated cannabis corporation. Since Aurora first invested its initial $10 million in the High Tide convertible debenture offering back in December 2018, the Company has achieved impressive amounts of strategic growth. High Tide is rapidly expanding its retail operations with an additional 26 stores presently under various stages of construction.

Terry Booth, Chief Executive Officer of Aurora, commented, "the pace of achievements by High Tide in such a short period of time reinforces the value of our strategic investment. We're pleased with the rigor Raj and his team have shown in strategically allocating our capital to fuel their growth initiatives and we look forward to what High Tide will achieve in this important segment of the Canadian consumer cannabis market."

For More Information on Aurora Cannabis Inc, Click Here

Cronos Group Inc (CRON) announced in mid-January that, in advance of a special meeting of shareholders scheduled for February 21, 2019, the Company had sent out all meeting materials to shareholders, including the management proxy circular prepared in connection the proposed C$2.4 billion equity investment by Altria Group, Inc in Cronos Group.

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The investment will be one of the key focuses of the shareholder meeting, at which time the Board of Directors of Cronos Group will unanimously recommend that Shareholders vote in favor of the transaction. As previously announced, the Board unanimously determined that the transaction is in the best interest of the Company, but they must wait for the shareholders to express their opinions.

For More Information On Cronos Group Inc, Click Here

New Age Beverages Corporation (NBEV), the Colorado and Utah-based beverage and lifestyles company, announced the global expansion of its Noni+Collagen product towards the end of January. The Company's Morinda Division created the product and is offering the brand in 50 ml glass bottle shots, positioned as a once-daily use, sold in three 10-packs for a 30-day supply.

Shon Whitney, Morinda's Vice President of Sales and Marketing, stated, "we are so incredibly pleased with the early success of TeMana Noni+Collagen. We knew this would be a product our customers and partners would love, and we are thrilled to see it gain immediate momentum. We are the first and only company in the world to combine pure hydrolyzed collagen with authentic Tahitian Noni Juice."

For More Information On New Age Beverages Corporation, Click Here

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