Walker Financial Consulting

Walker Financial Consulting

Need Funding? Established MJ companies looking to expand, Startups welcome as well.
Investment / Investor Groups

About Walker Financial Consulting

Walker Financial Consulting was established to provide short- to intermediate-term bridge financing for any type of commercial real estate projects in which borrowers do not qualify for financing from conventional lenders nationwide. We fund deals ranging in size from $5 million to $100 million for real estate that’s physically located in the U.S. Our experienced team is able to understand the complexity of each loan, master the lending process, and close deals quickly without compromising underwriting standards. Our business continues to grow due to our creativity in structuring loans and meeting demanding closing timelines.

Our objective is to build long-term relationships with our clients, not just do one-shot deals. We believe that it’s important to meet all of our clients face-to-face and will travel to you and discuss the best ways we can assist you in meeting your financing needs.



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