Viking Hammer Consulting

Viking Hammer Consulting

Viking Hammer Consulting offers many different levels of service to our clients and will tailor them to your specific needs. Colorado is our home-base, but we have designed and consulted in-person on numerous shops and grow buildings nationwide, including California, Washington, and Nevada.

About Viking Hammer Consulting

Customized solutions for successful outcomes.
Do you need help building your marijuana shop or grow from the ground up? Do you already have an operation but its not producing to its full potential? Or do your simply want to take your operation to the next level? We will help you master the cannibus industry so that your business and future will thrive.

In the end, your store is a representation of your corporate image and culture. It must reflect exactly what customers need in order for them to flood through your doors. Likewise, your grow should be a showpiece of efficiency with clean, high yields that are the envy of your competition.

Is this where you would like to take your business? We can coach you to become a leading retailer or grow by helping you develop a business strategy that fits your customer demographic, your monetary goals, and the legal requirements of your city/state.

Are you just starting out and looking to construct or modify a building? Do you already have a building and need to know the correct modifications to make to it? Building or renovating a grow is one of the most unique design and architectural projects that one can take on.

Our experience with designing innovative solutions for numerous marijuana grows and shops enables us to foresee problems before they start. We believe in building the right tool to suite the job. Our designs will masterfully facilitate the production and/or sale of high quality marijuana products easily, effectively, and efficiently.

Guiding your new design from beginning to end, we can hire the contractors, obtain all of the required government approvals, and make sure that you are in control of your project.


In order for your grow to be efficient and provide the best possible product, you need to take a number of aspects into consideration. HVAC systems must be designed and overbuilt to ensure that there is not loss of crop, loss of system function, and ultimately, loss of money.

Some buildings have also been put at risk of collapse because the roof load (lights, HVAC, ballasts, etc.) was not taken into consideration. Odor control and proper power and circuit structure are also extremely important.

Ultimately, you’re trying to build the perfect biosphere and growing conditions for marijuana inside of a building. Which is extremely tricky. We can help you avoid the engineering pitfalls that plague so many and cost tens of thousands of dollars in loss.


Andrew Heaton
Cannabis Consultant and Owner at Viking Hammer Con...
Gary Scholten