VidaCann is proud to be one of the largest and most advanced providers of medical cannabis in Florida. We’re on a mission to create and sustain a culture of health for individuals and communities through the unique power of safe, effective, and all-natural cannabis products.
At our 70,000 square foot growing facility, we combine time-honored organic cultivation methods with cutting-edge greenhouse technologies like pinpoint humidity and blackout controls. We raise healthy, happy, and vibrant plants to produce our safe, effective, and consistent cannabis products.
Our rigorous testing standards are supported by independent, FDA-certified laboratories using cGMP protocols to ensure constant and real-time assurances of safety and purity.
In addition to our own proprietary cannabis products, we’re proud to be the exclusive partners of Stanley Brothers—the creators of Charlotte’s Web, one of the most famous and trusted cannabis brands in the world—and Tikun Olam, widely regarded as global pioneers of cannabis therapy and research.
All of our work at VidaCann is geared towards a single purpose: improving the health and wellness of individuals and their communities here in Florida.
Medical SalesYes
Store FrontYes