Valley 420 Evaluations

Valley 420 Evaluations

We can hook you up with Medical Marijuana doctor coupons, deals, vouchers and great low price offers for first time Medical Marijuana evaluations or renewals in Fresno. 420EvaluationsOnline automated processes with a human touch make it possible for us to offer the most competitive price in the business and provide you with the best 420 deals.

About Valley 420 Evaluations

With a population of nearly 600,000 (2016) Fresno is the fifth-largest city in California.  Like most other Californian cities, Fresno was born of fortune and fame seekers from the great gold rush of 1948.  After the fun and games of the gold rush came and went, with nothing to do and nowhere to go, our ancestors founded Fresno in 1856. 

Eventually Fresno folk figured out what to do with themselves, as the city is famous for its entertainment and nightlife scene.   Outdoor sports and activities are big as there is easy access to parks, mountains and good fishing spots.  Besides knowing how to party, Fresno succeeds quite well in the agricultural, food processing, glass, plastics, and computer software sectors. Fresno is a hub city of sorts being three hours or so (by car) from Los Angeles and of San Francisco. 

Fresno County Medical Marijuana Law

Fresno voted to totally ban Marijuana Grow Ops in March, 2014 - then in April 2015, City council repealed the full-on ban, allowing four-plant indoor per patient.  Heavy fines for violations are still in place.  


Court ruling hits ‘criminalization’ element of Fresno County growing ban

Dec 03  2015  A legal challenge to Fresno County’s ban on growing medical cannabis has been overturned by the Fifth District Court of Appeal. Still, the idea that cultivating Medical Marijuana amounts to a criminal offense may (is allowed) be debated in court further.
"We conclude that the provision in the ordinance that classifies the cultivation of medical marijuana as a misdemeanor is preempted by California’s extensive statutory scheme addressing crimes, defenses and immunities relating to marijuana. Among other things, the attempt to criminalize possession and cultivation is not consistent with the obligation [Health and Safety Code] section 11362.71, subdivision (e) imposes on local officials not to arrest certain persons possessing or cultivating marijuana." 

Disclaimer:  Before taking action, MMJ patrons should refer directly  to the Fresno City and / or the counties actual websites,  to make sure that information provided here is current and accurate.

Hours (24/7)