Valkyrie Security and Asset Protection Inc.

Valkyrie Security and Asset Protection Inc.

We offer security and camera systems, armed guards, armored transports and secure vaulting services. Compliance reviews and consultations for dispensaries and cultivation sites, risk mitigation.

About Valkyrie Security and Asset Protection Inc.

Valkyrie offers a wide variety of security options to protect your home, family and business.

  • Using the latest technology to structure virtual 3D security plans tailored to your home, business or event venue
  • Consultation pricing structure is very competitive   
  • Headquartered in Anchorage to serve you
  • Services available in the Fairbanks and Kenai Peninsula regions
  • Work is always performed by our highly trained, professional security technicians

Features Valkyrie Security and Asset Protection Inc.

Services provided by Valkyrie include:
  • Transport
  • Secure tax payment
  • Asset tracking    
  • Secured vaulting
  • Special event security
  • Armed security
  • VIP protection​
  • Security and alarm systems
  • Investigations
  • Personal asset security
  • Threat assessments
  • Risk mitigation
  • Compliance validation
  • Training and consultation
  • Cash transport and storage
  • Access control


Larry Clark