Universal Controls LLC

Universal Controls LLC

We provide complete solutions that grow with our clients to new cultivation sites and legal marijuana industry jurisdictions.

About Universal Controls LLC

Universal has been in business, developing and manufacturing automated CO2 delivery systems and controllers, since 2013. [They were the first to have CO2 enrichment system approved in the first legal marijuana cultivation site market in the United States]. Universal specializes in manufacturing and installing CO2 enrichment and safety monitoring systems. They also have an Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) approved hygienic extraction machine, and experience building analytical laboratories and laboratory safety and monitoring systems for MIPs.

Universal worked directly with the Denver Fire Department (DFD) in establishing the safety and monitoring regulations for CO2 enrichment systems in cultivation site environments. They are the first available controls system capable of enriching multiple zones with a single point solution.

Our systems increase marijuana crop yield by 30% through a single point CO2 enrichment solution. Clients receive comprehensive CO2 gas delivery and monitoring systems for ever growing zone in their cannabis cultivation site.


Features Universal Controls LLC

We provide:

  • CO2 enrichment hose loops in designated cultivation areas.
  • Supply lines from bulk tank to controller and flow box assemblies.
  • CO2 sensor and audio visual safety alarms.
  • Engineering drawings and AHJ permit packets.
  • Fully automated and networked expandable control system.
  • Contact with bulk tank gas suppliers.
  • Comprehensive guide to easy installation and use of control systems.

We also provide complete solutions for cannabis industry cultivation and extraction consultation.


Kelvin Melton