

Trimpro was founded in 2003 and has been a leader in the harvest process. We manufacture trimmers, buckers and presses out of Canada. Trimpro is known for its quality products over the years.

About Trimpro

The company was founded by Pierre Mercier whose experience as a machinist at a company which made turbine engines inspired him to create the first Trimpro Original. He had been asked by a friend to try to develop a machine which would separate the leaves from plants with minimal damage to the delicate flowers. After a couple of unsuccessful experiments he came up with the idea of creating a vacuum effect, like a turbine, under a grate so the leaves would be gently pulled through the slots where a spinning blade just below the surface of the grate would cut the leaves off leaving the flower on the surface.

Prototypes were made and introduced to a distributor based in Eastern Canada by the name of Biofloral. The owner, François Deguire, immediately realized the potential of the product and agreed to take on the task of marketing and distributing Trimpro products.

The acceptance and demand from consumers was greater than anticipated forcing Pierre to move production from his garage to a machine shop with offices and storage. The company is based just outside Montreal, Canada and remains in the same location.

Patents were secured in Canada, United States, Europe and Australia. Andre, Pierre’s brother, joined the company to continue to expand its scope of sales. He was living in Barcelona at the time so travelled throughout the country as well as other parts of Europe and quickly picked up on the specific requirements of the region. To respond to the demands from European growers, a plant trimmer based on the same principal as the Trimpro, but smaller, was introduced to the market. It was called the Trimbox.

Soon after, enhancements were made to each machine to meet the particular demands of some customers. The Workstations for both the Trimpro and Trimbox were introduced resulting in four machines being available to meet most trimming styles, but the continuous effort to improve did not stop. The boys realized there was a requirement for a more productive and safer piece of equipment so they started the development of the second generation of trimmers.

The focus was to design a machine which required less manipulation by the operator. A circular hermetic structure was added on top of the grate creating a whirlwind effect. Adding a stronger motor and a second set of the famous Trimpro blades created enough wind for the plants to move on the surface of the grate while the leaves were pulled through the slots and trimmed, the same concept as the original Trimpro. In 2006 this novel machine called the Automatik was introduced with great market acceptance.

It wasn’t long before requests to produce a higher volume Automatik machine were being received from growers. This led to the development and production of the largest Trimpro presently on the market, the XL. Again, a more powerful motor and extra set of blades were required as well as a redesign of the grate. The results were spectacular with immediate acceptance in the North American and Australian markets, Europe not being far behind.