Trace is ushering in a new era of truth and transparency for the cannabis industry. For decades aspiring cannabis professionals have been kept in the dark, Trace illuminates. Using cutting-edge blockchain technology, Trace provides a platform for businesses and consumers to verify basic information about the provenance and current state of cannabis products from seed to shelf.
Software / POS Soft


Trace was founded in 2018 in Burlington, Vermont by two friends who were fed up with the befuddlement they found at the heart of the cannabis industry. Combining their backgrounds in industrial cannabis and decentralized data engineering, they created Trace to tackle the problems plaguing Cannabis head on.

As the cannabis industry emerges from the vapor of illegality we find ourselves with little trust, and less verifiable truth. Decades of dishonesty have established an atmosphere of obscurity that makes it needlessly difficult for new businesses and consumers to navigate the world of cannabis.

Trace is an immutable and verifiable ledger for the professionals and craftspeople of cannabis. Each step of the process, from seed to shelf, is recorded so that the truth of the flower might speak clearly to those who would listen.