The Marijuana Index

The Marijuana Index

The first and only registered equity tracking index for marijuana stocks, cannabis stocks, and hemp stocks -- providing dynamic financial content to investors and observers.
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About The Marijuana Index

The North American Marijuana Index tracks the leading stocks operating in the legal cannabis industry in the United States and Canada. The North American Marijuana Index is broken down into two country sub-indices: the U.S. Marijuana Index and the Canadian Marijuana Index. Each constituent is assigned to either the U.S. Marijuana Index or the Canadian Marijuana Index based on where their business operations are primarily focused.

All three indices began on January 2, 2015 with an inception value of 100.00 points. The indices are equal-weighted, giving the same importance to each stock in the index. The indices are rebalanced quarterly, occurring on the last day of March, June, September, and December of each year. Between rebalancing dates, the indices deviate from an equal weighting.

The Marijuana Index is managed by MJIC, Inc. which has full authority regarding listing approvals and adjusting the Index and its methodology. Inclusion in the Marijuana Index is not an endorsement or recommendation for any company.

Companies must have a business strategy focused on the legal marijuana industry, which includes companies that directly handle marijuana as well as ancillary companies that support marijuana-touching companies and consumers. The term marijuana includes all forms and applications of the marijuana or cannabis plant, including hemp and derivatives of the plant, but does not include synthetic cannabinoids. Constituents must have more than 50% of their operations focused on the marijuana industry.