The Green Man

The Green Man

The GreenMan is a privately owned and operated marijuana delivery service. Our goal is to help our customers to be as comfortable as possible. We firmly believe that medicinal marijuana is the best and safest approach to healing the human body in time of need! Pain is inevitable, and suffering is optional. Let us help you and call us today!

About The Green Man

We are very proud of our local roots, and the fact that we are 100% owned and operated by a diverse group of people. We got into this industry because it was the right time, and we at The Green Man have the right vision.

This year, recreational consumption of cannabis will become legal in California, meaning that the cannabis industry will be at the top of anyone’s list who is trying to make an easy buck. That’s not what we’re about – of course, we are still a non profit organization and nonprofit organizations still need to make money – but The Green Man has different priorities.

We don’t want to see the BAY AREA  get left behind other big brands from big cities, and we firmly believe that The Green Man can provide better, faster, more quality service than anyone you put us up against. Our company has big plans for the upcoming year, as we dedicate more time and effort to building our online presence, expanding branding and marketing, and streamlining operations to become one of the premier providers in the entire state.

Here at The Green Man, we are dedicated to providing convenient access to quality cannabis and giving back to the community that supports us. The customer is, and always will be, our number one priority, and that’s a promise we want you to hold us to. On behalf of the TGM team, we thank you for all the support you’ve shown us thus far and hope you’ll stick with us on this journey. There is more to come.





Medical Sales


Online Order
