The Fresh Toast

The Fresh Toast

The Fresh Toast is a lifestyle and entertainment platform featuring dynamic and robust coverage of cannabis, culture, comedy, glorious triumphs, hot messes, food, drink, edibles, and much, much more.

About The Fresh Toast

The Fresh Toast is a lifestyle and entertainment platform featuring dynamic and robust coverage of cannabis, culture, comedy, glorious triumphs, hot messes, food, drink, edibles, and much, much more. With a mission that includes helping make the cannabis conversation mainstream, The Fresh Toast is the premier, comprehensive destination for discovering everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the fast-growing cannabis phenomenon. Offering witty insights on the latest news, hilarious quizzes and quips, performances by up-and-coming talent, and jaw-dropping images from around the world, we aim to entertain as much as we inform. Substance, with style. Every day.

The Fresh Toast RX
Nationally recognized physicians provide information about diseases, health issues, and how cannabis can help. Readers gain fresh and unique perspectives on new advances in the quickly emerging medical marijuana field. Subscribe to Rx for access to even more in-depth knowledge.


Robert Galinsky
TEDx & Conference Speaker Coach, Off-Broadway Play...
Eric Snow
President/COO @ The Fresh Toast
Jacob Ellman
CEO at DMO Holdings Corp.

Participation in events