THC Farms

THC Farms

Before we talk about why we grow in purified water, this question must be answered.

About THC Farms

The cheapest and easiest way to grow marijuana is in soil. That’s why most growers use it. Outdoor growing is by far the least expensive. Unfortunately, marijuana grown in soil or any other type of medium, whether grown outside or in a greenhouse, is inferior in quality to marijuana grown in purified water. Here are four reasons why.

1) Soil plays host to many nasty little creatures, pests and diseases.
To eliminate these creatures, pests, molds and mildews, resorting to toxic chemicals and pesticides is all but essential. In contrast, growing in purified water is completely sterile. There are no bugs, no nasty little creatures, no molds or mildew. In our purified water grow farm, everything is very hygienic, the perfect environment for both the plants and the gardeners. Visitors tell us that our grow facility looks more like a hospital than a farm. 

 2) For a plant to receive a well-balanced diet, everything in the soil must be in perfect balance.
In soil, biological decomposition breaks down organic matter into the basic nutrient nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium salts that plants feed on. Water dissolves these salts and allows uptake by the roots. Rarely, if ever, can you find such ideal conditions in soil due to the lack of organic matter left behind on the surface, contamination and biological imbalances.

3) Soil is incapable of supplying plants with the high volume of nutrients that purified water can. 
Marijuana grown in purified water and induced with the pharmaceutical grade nutrients takes the perfect amount of food directly to the root rather than making plant’s roots look for it. Soil loses its nutritional value and is difficult to measure in terms of pH and fertility. Using purified water, the pH and nutritional value of the water can be measured and maintained, so each plant has the perfect diet.

4) When growing in dirt, or other mediums, only when you water your soil do the basic food elements dissolve so that they can be consumed by the plant.


Dan Taylor
Company President
Maggie Miller
Customer Service Manager