Texas Weed Syndicate

Texas Weed Syndicate

We bring our 20 plus years of search engine marketing experience to the cannabis industry in the way of our online dispensary finder which gives dispensaries that do not have a proper web presence more exposure. We offer search engine marketing services to the cannabis industry. For end users we look to be a one-stop shop for all things marijuana!
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About Texas Weed Syndicate

We decided to start this site due to the increase in acceptance of Marijuana in use as a medicine as well as recreational use. The funny part is we did a senior thesis in high school in the 80’s on legalization and the benefits of weed. Back then the difficulty in finding pros for legalization was quite difficult but they were there. Now we are at an age where country wide legalization is starting to become a reality. Organizations like NORML had a big part to play in this shift in attitude towards this plant.

So now that there is more and more acceptance for weed use we decided to become the place to go online to buy all your accessories and grow supplies if your in a state where you can legally grow your own medicine as well as smoke. With 29 states already having a minimum medical marijuana law in place as well as the ones that have decided to legalize recreational use as well we think its just a matter of time before the whole US will have legalized marijuana use on some level.

We are going to build out a dispensary section to help you locate any marijuana dispensaries in your area. It is our goal to be here for you for all things marijuana!

In the meantime, if you are in a state or country that allows the smoking of weed for medical use or recreational use it is our goal to provide you with the best vapes, pipes, smoking accessories and grow supplies as well as information on legal changes and information on everything marijuana.

As we move on with this site we welcome you to talk to us about anything that you may need but we are not providing you.

If you are an industry expert or insider and want to publish information on our blog we would be happy to speak with you!