Tennessee Homegrown

Tennessee Homegrown

A completely vertical Medical Hemp company situated in Middle Tennessee that produces, flower, tinctures, topicals and edibles that are naturally rich in CBD. Tennessee Homegrown is a "green" farm that practices sustainability in it's agricultural methods using natural fertilizers and soil probiotics.
Marijuana Infused Products

About Tennessee Homegrown

Lee Crabtree and The Old Hemp Farmer (Harold Jarboe) started Tennessee Homegrown and are third generation farmers situated in Middle Tennessee. Lee and The Old Hemp Farmer are now in their fourth year of Hemp farming in Tennessee. Tennessee Homegrown grows an Italian Fiber Hemp variety that is naturally rich in CBD.

This certified cultivar has responded wonderfully to the conditions in Middle Tennessee and produces truly superior Hemp flowers. Tennessee Homegrown farms on pasture land that had free range cattle so it had retained it’s biologically activity.

Lee and The Old Hemp Farmer believe that any Hemp crop that will feed people or animals should be grown without using insecticides, herbicides or micro-biocides. Tennessee Homegrown feels that it is important that all fertilizers and amendments used are organic in addition with lactose probiotics (raw milk). This ideal combination of Sun, soil and organic fertilizer results in seedless Hemp flowers of a superb quality.

Then these naturally farmed seedless Hemp flowers are harvested by hand at peak maturity. One of the things Lee and The Old Hemp Farmer take pride is that their seedless buds are harvested at peak bloom. This means daily looking at the trichomes with a microscope to see when they are at peak maturity, then and only then are these Hemp flowers harvested. Then Tennessee Homegrown cures and processes their free- range Sun kissed naturally grown seedless Hemp. This is another aspect that Tennessee Homegrown feels makes their Hemp and Hemp products superior.

Which is their method of curing that ensures that the beautiful, seedless Hemp flowers are slowly dried and cured. instead of drying quickly as possible. This slow drying enables the sugars in their naturally grown Hemp buds to break down enough to release complex flavors, while retaining as much terpenes as possible. This is why Lee and The Old Hemp Farmer feel that the curing process is so important and why Tennessee Homegrown hemp flowers are so aromatic. After drying and curing, these seedless buds are quickly stored at a controlled temperature in airtight containers.

When Tennessee Homegrown decided to process their Hemp crop themselves, Lee and The Old Hemp Farmer investigated a lot of different methods, CO2, Butane, and Ethanol, all methods that are done by most of the industry but each method had drawbacks, CO2 is expensive, Butane is cheap but needs an EPA permit and can be dangerous.

Over a period of months they tried a lot different methods, eventually Tennessee Homegrown settled on a techniques that were perfected by Benedictine Monks in the late 13th century using lipids (oils) and Ethanol. Much to their delight, these techniques made a superior products that taste great and work remarkable well.

That research led to Tennessee Homegrown processing their very best aromatic Hemp with the very best organic coconut oil for their products.

These techniques also fit well with Lee and The Old Hemp Farmer's philosophy of using time honored traditions to make simple, wholesome products that can be used as food and as medicine. This is why at Tennessee Homegrown; they’re more farm than pharmacy.
