TASC Public Accounting

TASC Public Accounting

Avoid Internal Revenue Code § 280E!!! Keep the money you are earning. 18 years tax and accounting expertise.

About TASC Public Accounting

TASC provides CFO services for small business on a on demand basis. We also provide accounting, bookkeeping and tax preparation.

The role of the company’s Chief Financial officer is to help the company reach its objectives. Whether that is to report the most profit possible, save the most money on taxes, improve cash-flow, or obtain capital the CFO should be able to develop and implement a plan to successfully achieve your goals.

The CFO relies on financial transactional data recorded over time to view the past, analyze the financial trends and predict the future. These cannot be accomplished without having the proper systems in place. CFO’s receive their data from bookkeepers and accountants.

Qualified CFO’s are responsible for financial reporting, maintaining relationships with creditors and investors, analyzing large capital transactions, Investment and tax planning, and employee benefits such as health care, insurance, stock options and qualified retirement plans. Additionally, as discussed earlier, the CFO oversees all the accounting functions and even the human resource functions.

CFO’s salary’s average $120k in the U.S. and the 10 highest paid exceed $15 mil a year (http://moneyinc.com/highest-paid-cfos-in-the-united-states/).

These functions are very important to a growing enterprise. But, it’s not always economically feasible for small business to hire a full-time CFO.

We provide CFO services on a pay as you go, on demand basis.

Is a Virtual CFO right for your business?

Hours (MST)

10:00 - 17:00

Closed now

10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
11:00 - 15:00