Suncoast Family Medicine

Suncoast Family Medicine

Medical Marijuana Recommendations in Bradenton, from Suncoast Medicine

About Suncoast Family Medicine

Physician gives recommendations to qualified patients for the use of Medicinal Marijuana for legitimate medical reasons, often as an alternative to pharmaceuticals, which can have many adverse side effects and negative long-term consequences. 

  • New & first time patient
  • Renewal from our office
  • Renewals from other doctors (as long as not more than 30 days from the expiration)

 A caregiver is a person who is responsible for the housing, health, and/or safety of a patient. By definition, caregivers must be legal adults aged 18 or older, though there are some exceptions, and have significant responsibility for managing the well-being of the patient who has been diagnosed with a debilitating condition. Medical marijuana caregivers may assist more than one patient who is using medical marijuana, but if they are assisting more than one medical marijuana patient they must reside in the same county as all of their patients. Caregivers who have registered with the Florida Medical Marijuana Program may transport medical marijuana on behalf of their patients, but may not use the medical marijuana themselves unless they, too, are qualified patients 

Enrolling into treatment for opiate addiction can not only save your life from a fatal overdose, it will solidify your commitment to getting your life back on track. Those who have suffered from untreated opiate addictions for a number of years are entirely capable of living productive, successful, and lucrative lives after the throes of addiction. Beating opiate addiction is a matter of getting help.  The cornerstone of effective opiate abuse treatment is when recovering addicts are no longer at risk of relapse.


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