Stuff Stoners Like

Stuff Stoners Like

Started in 2007 in Oakland, California, Stuff Stoners Like is a blog dedicated to marijuana and the movement to legalize the plant. Stuff Stoners Like has been read by millions of stoners, worldwide and features a daily mix of the latest in marijuana news, reviews and entertainment.
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About Stuff Stoners Like

As the marijuana movement continues to progress Stuff Stoners Like exists to document the culture both past and present. We strive daily to report its changes, transgressions and progressions with passion, sincerity and above all honesty. To give back to the community we adore, Stuff Stoners Like also actively participates in changing current marijuana laws. Through this we have come to value:

  • Honesty over Lies
  • Acceptance over Fear
  • Accountability over Passing the Buck
  • Healing over Profit

Our goal is to continue as taste-makers, provide our readers with the latest unbiased news, reviews and commentary on the happenings in and around the industry including innovations, events and services. We also aim to inform the masses of the latest in pot politics—and how to get involved in them. We firmly believe that all adults should have the freedom to make their own choices about plant medicine especially cannabis. Our site is a work in progress meant to encourage interaction. Please join us.