Strong Agronomy Management, Inc.

Strong Agronomy Management, Inc.

Strong Agronomy’s mission is to create a true “eco-farm” that is both environmentally sustainable and economically viable. This farm will act as a proof-of-concept facility that demonstrates an ecologically-sound approach to production that goes above and beyond standard organic practices. By generating a deep emphasis on cultivation methods that work with nature instead of against it; Strong Agronomy will embrace an entirely new approach to agriculture in the 21st century, one that “closes the loop” between inputs, waste, and production.

About Strong Agronomy Management, Inc.

trong Agronomy is an ecologically-minded farm management company in the Green Valley of Watsonville, California. We’re founded on the belief that ecological farming is the only long-term viable alternative to current agricultural practices. A deep understanding of naturally occurring relationships allows us to hone cultivation methods that work with nature instead of against it. A truly sustainable model isn’t one that just minimizes its impact on Earth, it’s one that makes it a better planet than it was before.

Through our extensive experience with agricultural sciences, innovative cultivation methods, and direct marketing channels with major organic distributors; Strong Agronomy is poised to deliver rapid success and compete directly with conventional large-scale agri-business models.