Stapert&Wiersum Law

Stapert&Wiersum Law

Lawyer / Legal Services

About Stapert&Wiersum Law

Caroline Buisman is specialised in international criminal law and procedure since 1999, both on a practical and an academic level. She recently joined Stapert & Wiersum law firm in Amsterdam. She is also associate counsel in two cases before the ICC and has previously worked at the ICTR, ICTY and SCSL. She is member of the Amsterdam and New York Bar. Ms Buisman also has a PhD in 'The Ascertainment of the Truth in International Criminal Justice', and is co-editor of Principles of Evidence in International Criminal Justice (OUP 2010), assistant editor of the third edition of Archbold of International Criminal Courts (Dixon & Khan, Sweet and Maxwell 2009), and the author of various book chapters and articles on international criminal procedural matters. She also presented discussion papers at a variety of conferences, workshops and panels of experts in international criminal justice in The Hague, Dublin, London, Rwanda, Uganda, Nuremberg and Tanzania, amplifying the voice of the defense and discussing defense challenges in international criminal justice. She also provided an ICC training to lawyers in Dakar. Taught seminars, amongst others, at the Hague summer school in international criminal justice, Leiden LLM program, Harvard Law School, Ankara Law School, Amsterdam University, Tilburg University, Brunel University and Westminster University.



Caroline Buisman
Human rights and criminal defence lawyer