Security Cameras and Door access we will secure your primness


Soteria OC is a leader in Security system and Video Surveillance for the Cannabis Industry. We have been in the IT Sales, repair and installation business since 1996. We provide a range of services to registered companies, including Security system Installation, for licensed cannabis facilities, so that proprietors can keep an eye on their business 24/7. It is important to ensure that nothing goes in and comes out unnoticed, in your cannabis facilities.

We started as cable and telecommunication construction subcontractors for the Telecommunications industry and expanded our business to security system Sales, repair and installation, and now we specialize in the Cannabis industry security and safety,

Importance of Video Surveillance in the Cannabis Industry?

Cannabis is on its way to becoming the largest crop in terms of profit. When there are such great potential security breaches in this business, Soteria OC follows the rules and regulations set by the cities and state’s regulations. We help new and established growers, understand the importance of security, and guide them in their security compliance efforts. We not only provide affordable and reliable security systems but also help proprietors run their security operations with our continuous support and maintenance. Every city and state have their own regulations for the Cannabis industry security and surveillance, we will help you navigate through all the requirements to insure compliance with all regulations. 

We have been operating in the security industry for a long time, which is the reason why we know it is important to look at what the law says about the cannabis industry security and surveillance in your city and state. We give you a solution that assure your compliance with all laws and regulations set forth by your city and state. 

Why we are the industry's best

There are three most important things when it comes to security systems installation. One is, the equipment should be of the highest quality. Second is, the installation must comply with the rules and regulation set by the city and state. The third is, the people who are going to install the system must be the best in the industry. 

We have all three things covered; we have partnered with the best security equipment provides in the world. When we get a request for video surveillance installation in the Cannabis industry, we make sure that our clients know about the rules and regulation set by their city and state.

Many security and surveillance companies claim to have the best professionals, Soteria OC doesn’t claim; instead we prove it to you by providing you an approved security system for the cannabis industry. Our senior technicians have years of experience working in the security and surveillance industry. Our experts can install new security systems, as well as upgrading your existing equipment to insure your compliance with any city and state regulations. Working with us will be a jaw-dropping experience for you

Soteria OC is more than Cannabis Video Surveillance Company

We started as Telecommunication wiring and structured Installation Company for residential and commercial. We still operate in the same industry, Soteria OC also provides POS cabling, as well as Video/Audio surveillance installation for all cannabis related locations.

We cover a range of areas in our industry, but our specialty is Cannabis security systems installation. We install security systems and flexible access control systems. We also guide your people how to operate and maintain the systems we install. The recordings can be 24/7, on a specific time and date, motion activated or triggered. Depending on your local regulation.

We cover a wide area in security and surveillance. We will equip your people with technologies such as ID badges, biometric Fingerprinting, and key tags. We help you control the security of your business, with state-of-the-art technology at your disposal.


Sam Jazaerli


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