Share Tech Solutions

Share Tech Solutions

Share Tech Solutions

About Share Tech Solutions

Why Choose Sharetech?

At Share Tech Solutions, we want to make your company as efficient as possible, and eliminate many of the technical complexities that overwhelm business owners today. We manage and oversee all of your company’s IT needs, so you can focus on what’s most important to you -- running your business.


IT is dynamic, and always evolving. In order to get the most efficiency and greatest level of security, your infrastructure needs to be up to date at all times. We make use of the latest advances in cloud computing to provide you with the best service possible. Never wonder if your software is outdated again we’ll take care of it for you.


Security is among the top IT concerns for small businesses today. Keeping your data safe is a top priority for us, and we take a proactive approach to security. We don’t wait until after your data has been hacked to take action. With our 24/7 monitoring, we actively look for any attempted hacks and security threats. Not having to worry about whether or not your data is secured gives you peace of mind.


Everything we do is with the ultimate goal of helping your business function more efficiently. Whether it’s updating your phone system to VoIP, or moving to the cloud, we will simplify data, voice, and cloud to streamline your IT. Read our case studies to see real life examples of how we have been able to help increase productivity and e

Features Share Tech Solutions

Network Infrastructure
Cloud Computing


Mark Evans