Scoville Public Relations

Scoville PR provides senior-level public relations and communications counsel to early stage, disruptive companies. We provide a complete set of tools from which to launch effective PR activities.
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About Scoville Public Relations

An independent firm founded in 2004, Scoville PR provides senior-level public relations and communications counsel. Using our Concentrated Power approach, we help clients achieve their business goals by getting them exposure and credibility unmatched through any other marketing medium.

We are driven by a "higher ambition," defined by the Harvard Business Review as principles that “create long-term economic value, generate wider benefits for society, and build robust social capital with organizations all at once.”

We're focused solely on early stage, disruptive companies who seek to change the world for the better. We believe that, with more shots on goal, we can accelerate development and adoption of global solutions. Good PR is often the difference between those technologies that gain traction and those that wither on the vine.

Good PR is no longer out of reach for the earliest of early stage companies. Scoville PR is purpose-built to serve entrepreneurs and startups, from the people we hire, to how we work and to the services we offer. We have a proven history of helping clients succeed, taking them from 3-person garage to publicly-traded giant.

We offer clients a progression of services designed to meet their budget, their state of development and their ambition. Check out our services page to learn more about how we can help and industries for more about our expertise.


John Williams
Jaime Quick
Nathan Kommers
Annie Hudson