Sacco Tyner, PLLC

Sacco Tyner, PLLC

Aggressive, experienced criminal defense lawyers providing client centered representation to those accused of criminal offenses or under investigation by law enforcement on the state and federal level.
Lawyer / Legal Services

About Sacco Tyner, PLLC

An allegation of illegal activity. A criminal investigation. An arrest. A criminal charge. Each step along the way has its risks, its pitfalls, its consequences and its opportunities. The sooner an accused person — or a person soon to be accused — is represented by knowledgeable legal counsel, the more likely it is that a positive result can be achieved.

The choice of a criminal defense attorney is a critical decision. When I accept a new client at The Law Office of James E. Tyner, PLLC, I do so believing that I am equipped to help that person obtain the most favorable outcome. I am an accomplished criminal defense advocate. I am driven to represent our clients to the best of our ability. When stakes are high, clients appreciate our aggressive, practical approach.

Contact The Law Office of James E. Tyner, PLLC to schedule a consultation. We will discuss your charges, your circumstances and the most promising strategy of defense in your case. I handle state and federal crimes, DWI defense, white collar crime defense, domestic violence, sex crimes and drug charges.


James E. Tyner