Renewable Sciences

Renewable Sciences

Cannabis Testing Laboratory Consultants Need help setting up internal testing or an entire lab? We're here to help with all aspects of laboratory development and planning.
Testing & Compliance

About Renewable Sciences

Having tested over 60,000 Cannabis samples our team has developed multiple methods to test potency, residual solvent contamination, microbial contamination, heavy metals contamination, pesticide contamination and brought multiple laboratories and instruments online.

Our team are currently assisting in startup of four Cannabis testing facilities across North America.

The teams experience includes work as an analytical chemist with extensive industrial and academic laboratory experience. Expertise in GC, HPLC and mass spectrometry, chemical and biochemical engineering as well as project and business management. Experience as an analytical chemist at the CLIA and CAP certified Forensic Laboratories, overseeing toxicology testing. Experience as a scientist-chemist for one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, large nutraceutical companies, and the first biotechnology company in the United States. In that capacity, we were involved in research into biocatalyst production and new chemistry products, neutraceuticals, antibody conjugate linkers, technical services, quality control, analytical method development and validation.

Features Renewable Sciences


Instrument Selection and Purchasing
Depending on the type of testing necessary, there are many options available to acquire data. We’ll go over the advantages and disadvantages of all instrument types, including capital costs, maintenance costs, sample throughput and feasibility with LIMS systems.

Equipment Setup
Properly functioning equipment is essential for any laboratory. Instrument qualification and operating qualification (IQ/OQ) is the most important first step for your laboratory’s operation. Your instruments need to do what you say they do!

Method Development and Validation
The single most important thing a lab can do is ensure robust and extensive method validation. Without it, quality, robustness and accuracy of data produced by the lab is put into question. We can help validate instruments and methods to World Health Organization standards (pharmaceutical industry quality).

Creating Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
Standard operating procedures (SOPs) ensure quality control of your facilities. Chain of custody is extremely important in laboratories. Reproducibility is equally important. Good SOPs ensure both are handled in a defensible manner. Remember, quality is a lab’s best marketing.

Staff Training
Training staff on SOP’s ensures proper functioning of the lab as well as giving your customers peace of mind. We can train all staff to current SOP’s as well as setup internal proficiency training programs to ensure ongoing compliance.

Regulatory and Compliance Reviews
When pursuing certification or accreditation, it is important to be compliant and have a proper quality management system in place prior to auditing. We can fulfill the paperwork review as well as the internal auditing necessary to be ready for any federal or third party audit (CLIA, CAP, ISO etc.).

Data Review
Often after generating your first data, it is helpful to have an extra set of eyes review your data for accuracy. This is a critical step in any quality assurance plan.

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
HAACP is a process control system designed to identify and prevent errors is laboratory function. It is composed of seven principles: (1) hazard analysis, (2) critical control point identification, (3) establishment of critical limits, (4) monitoring procedures, (5) corrective actions, (6) record keeping, and (7) verification procedures. Having this plan in place ensures no crisis, however large or small, is capable of crippling your business.

Annual Auditing
Ensuring compliance over time is accomplished by annual audits. As regulations are constantly evolving, you must ensure compliance for your customer’s peace of mind as well as your accreditation. We schedule, prepare, and perform annual audits to keep you compliant.