Pure Hemp

Pure Hemp

Although both hemp and marijuana are categorized as Cannabis Sativa, marijuana has high levels of THC tetrahydrocannabinol (the chemical substance which gives marijuana its psychoactive properties) whereas hemp is defined as Cannabis with less than 0.3% THC.

About Pure Hemp

Hemp is grown either primarily for its high (textile) quality bast fibre and the residual core material (hurds) or primarily for seed, where the hemp stalk is the residual material. When grown for seed, the whole stalk can still be separated into its components of bast fibre and hurds, but the bast fibre quality is no longer textile quality. There are numerous industrial applications for the whole stalk, however, ranging from interior car panels to ultra thin Pure Hemp rolling paper.

Hemp Bast Fibre

Hemp was traditionally grown for its valuable and versatile high quality bast (bark-like) fibres. This long, strong fibre accounts for up to 30% of the total weight of the hemp stalk. Once separated from the core material, the bast fibres are ready for further processing: refining for spinning and weaving into textiles, or for pulping into high quality pulp.

Hemp Hurds

The hurds also called shivs are the short fibred inner woody core of the hemp plant which comprises 70% of the stalk. A by-product of the process of extracting bast fibre from the hemp stalks, hurds were traditionally considered waste. Hemp hurds can, however, be used to produce a wide range of products including animal bedding and building materials (hempcrete).